Procedures: Storage location query

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for using the Storage location query application. The procedures contain instruction steps with which you can query the allocation, usage and storage location priorities of storage locations. You are also informed about possible preconditions and effects.

The description of the Storage location query application, which also includes field descriptions, can be found in the article Storage location query.


  1. Open the Storage location query application
  2. Switch to the desired view
  3. Enter the identification of the warehouse and the identification of the warehouse zone
  4. In the By storage location category view, enter the storage location category you want to query in the Category field. In the By storage location type view, enter the storage location type you want to query in the Type field. In the By storage location priority view, enter the priority you want to query in the Storage location priority field.
  5. Enter further search criteria in the Row, Level and Storage location fields as required
  6. Select the [Refresh] button.
  • The allocation of the selected storage locations is displayed in the work pane.

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