Procedures: Storage locations

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for using the Storage locations application. The procedures contain instructions on how to enter a reorder level for a storage location, for example. You will also be informed about possible preconditions and effects.

The description of the Storage locations application, which also includes field descriptions, can be found in the article Storage locations.


Read below how to work with the Storage locations application:

Entering a new storage location


You can only enter new storage locations if the warehouse organization of the storage location and warehouse zone allows the use of storage locations.

  1. Open the Storage locations application
  2. In the Warehouse field, enter the warehouse for which you want to create a new storage location. You can also enter the warehouse after you have selected the [New] button in the next step.
  3. Select the [New] button in the standard toolbar
  • The fields are prepared for entering the new storage location. Some fields are empty, others show the default value.
  1. In the Warehouse zone field, enter the warehouse zone for which you want to enter the new storage location
  2. Enter a unique identification for the new storage location in the Storage location field. The identification is derived from the warehouse organization of the warehouse zone with the storage location:
  • High rack storage area:
    The warehouse zone is divided into rows, levels and locations.
  • Bulk storage:
    The warehouse zone is divided into rows and locations.
  • Locations only:
    The warehouse zone is divided into locations only.

The identification of the rows and locations consists of a maximum of three numbers, letters or a combination of numbers and letters. The identification of the level consists of a maximum of two numbers, letters or a combination of numbers and letters.

  1. Enter a storage location type in the Type field. For a storage location type of the storage location types Fixed location without storage unit and Picking location without storage unit, it is possible to store items in the work pane.
  2. If necessary, overwrite the default values in the other input fields
  3. If the storage location type of the storage location types is Fixed location without storage unit or Picking location without storage unit, enter an item in the work pane. For the storage location type Picking location without storage unit, also enter a replenishment definition.
  4. Save the new storage location
The new storage location is transferred to the inventory management server and can be used after a minimal time delay.

Duplicating a storage location


You can only enter new storage locations if the warehouse organization of the warehouse and warehouse zone allows the use of storage locations.

  1. Open the Storage locations application
  2. Load the storage location that you want to use as a template for duplicating
  3. Select the [Duplicate] button in the standard toolbar
  • The fields in the work pane are prepared for the specification of a new storage location. The values from the storage location that was used as a template are displayed as default values. However, the identification in the Storage location field remains empty.
  1. Enter a unique identification for the new storage location in the Storage location field. The identification is derived from the warehouse organization of the warehouse zone with the storage location:
  • High rack storage area:
    The warehouse zone is divided into rows, levels and locations.
  • Bulk storage:
    The warehouse zone is divided into rows and locations.
  • Locations only:
    The warehouse zone is divided into locations only.

The identification of the rows and locations consists of a maximum of three numbers, letters or a combination of numbers and letters. The identification of the level consists of a maximum of two numbers, letters or a combination of numbers and letters.

  1. If necessary, change the values in the other fields of the new storage location
  2. Save the new storage location
The new storage location is transferred to the inventory management server and can be used after a minimum time delay.

Querying and editing a storage location


You can only change the inventory order or the type of storage location if the following conditions are met:

  • The storage location has neither an inventory nor a reservation.
  • All inventory postings for the storage location are processed by the inventory management server.

To change the inventory order, the value in the Inventory owner origin field must also be As per storage location data.

  1. Open the Storage locations application
  2. Enter a unique identification of the warehouse in the Warehouse field
  3. Enter a unique identification of the warehouse zone in the Warehouse zone field
  4. In the Storage location field, enter a unique identification of the storage location you wish to query or change
  5. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • The characteristics of the storage location are displayed.
  1. Change the characteristics of the storage location if required
  2. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The changed storage location is saved. If the storage location could not be saved, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Deleting a storage location


You can only delete a storage location if the following conditions are met:

  • The storage location has neither an inventory nor a reservation
  • There are no inventory postings for the storage location
  • The responsible inventory management server is not active
  1. Open the Storage locations application
  2. Enter a unique identification of the warehouse in the Warehouse field
  3. Enter a unique identification of the warehouse zone in the Warehouse zone field
  4. In the Storage location field, enter a unique identification of the storage location you wish to delete
  5. Select the [Delete] button in the standard toolbar
  • The storage location is deleted.

Entering a fixed location definition


You can only enter or change a fixed location definition if the following conditions are met:

  • The storage location is of the storage location type Fixed location without storage unit.
  1. Open the Storage locations application
  2. Select the storage location for which you want to enter a fixed location definition
  3. Select the [New] button in the work pane toolbar
  • A new line is displayed in the work pane.
  1. In the Item field, enter the item for which you want to enter the fixed location definition
  2. Enter a slot in the Slot field if required.
  3. In the Maximum inventory level field, enter the maximum inventory level in the base unit of the item.
  4. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The storage location is saved together with the fixed location definition. If the storage location could not be saved, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Deleting a fixed location definition


You can only delete a fixed location definition if the following conditions are met:

  • The storage location has neither an inventory nor a reservation.
  1. Open the Storage locations application
  2. Select the storage location for which you want to delete the fixed location definition
  3. In the work pane, select the fixed location definition that you want to delete
  4. Select the [Delete] button in the work pane toolbar
  • The selected line in the work pane is marked for deletion.
  1. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The storage location is saved without the fixed location definition. If the storage location could not be saved, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Entering a replenishment definition


You can only enter or change a replenishment definition if the following conditions are met:

  • The storage location is of the Picking location without storage unit storage location type.
  1. Open the Storage locations application
  2. Select the storage location for which you want to enter a replenishment definition
  3. Select the [New] button in the work pane toolbar
  • A new line is displayed in the work pane.
  1. In the Item field, enter the item for which you want to enter the replenishment definition
  2. Enter a slot in the Slot field if required
  3. In the Maximum inventory level field, enter the inventory in the base unit of the item that may never be exceeded in an inventory order generated by Comarch ERP Enterprise
  4. In the Reorder level field, enter the inventory level in the base unit of the item below which an inventory order for replenishment is to be generated automatically
  5. Enter a replenishment level in the base unit of the item in the Replenishment level field. When generating inventory orders for replenishment, a quantity is determined that leads to the fill level being reached.
  6. Enter a replenishment lot size in the Replenishment lot size field. When generating inventory orders for replenishment, only quantities that are a multiple of the replenishment lot size are determined.
  7. Enter a warehouse zone in the Replenishment zone field. When generating inventory orders for replenishment, only this one warehouse zone is taken into account.
  8. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The storage location is saved together with the replenishment definition. If the storage location could not be saved, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Deleting a replenishment definition


You can only delete a replenishment definition if the following conditions are met:

  • The storage location has neither an inventory nor a reservation.
  1. Open the Storage locations application
  2. Select the storage location for which you want to delete the replenishment definition
  3. In the work pane, select the replenishment definition that you want to delete
  4. Select [Delete] in the work pane toolbar
  • The selected line in the work pane is marked for deletion.
  1. Select [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The storage location is saved without the replenishment definition. If the storage location could not be saved, a corresponding error message is displayed.

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