Procedures: Warehouse areas

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for using the Warehouse areas application. The procedures contain instruction steps, e.g. how to assign several warehouse zones to a warehouse area. You are also informed about possible preconditions and effects.

The description of the Warehouse areas application can be found in the Warehouse areas article.

Assigning warehouse zones, rows, levels and locations


To be able to assign rows, levels and locations, the warehouse organization of the warehouse zone must not be Simple warehouse. Otherwise, you can only enter the zone and the remaining columns must not contain any values.


  1. Open the Warehouse areas application
  2. Open the warehouse area to which you want to assign warehouse zones, rows, levels and locations
  3. Select the [Add] button in the table toolbar
  • A new row is added.
  1. Enter a warehouse zone in the first column
  2. Enter the rows, levels and locations in the other columns if the warehouse organization of the zone provides for subdivision into locations. Otherwise, you can only enter the zone.
    You can enter closed areas, e.g. from row 1 to row 20, or open areas, e.g. from row 15. In the latter case, the part of the warehouse area entered in this way extends to the last row of the warehouse zone.
  3. If required, add further rows in which you assign further warehouse zones, rows, levels and locations
  4. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The assignments are saved.

Assigning rows, levels and locations across zones

  1. Open the Warehouse areas application
  2. Open the warehouse area to which you want to assign rows, levels and locations
  3. Select the [Add] button in the table toolbar
  • A new row is added.
  1. Enter the rows, levels and locations that you want to assign to the warehouse area
  2. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The assignments are saved. The information on rows, levels and locations refers to all zones of the warehouse divided into storage locations.

Removing the assignment of warehouse zones, rows, levels and locations

  1. Open the Warehouse areas application
  2. Open the warehouse area in which you want to remove the assignment of warehouse zones, rows, levels and locations
  3. Select the [Set/remove deletion marker] button in the table toolbar
  • The row is assigned a deletion indicator.
  1. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The row is deleted.

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