Production inventory value query

Production inventory value query application

Production inventory value query application presents calculations made in Calculate production inventory values application. The application consists of:

Query pane – in the query pane you can select a valuation of production inventory, which was created in Calculate production inventory values application and will be used for calculations.

Table – presents the calculated values according to the criteria defined in the query pane.

Production inventory value query application

Query pane

Following fields are available in the query pane of Production inventory value query application

Valuation – specifies the method of calculating the values of production inventory for the work-in-progress, which was defined in Calculate production inventory values application.

By date – date for which the value of production inventory is to be calculated. It is completed automatically according to the data defined for the selected valuation.

Cost unit rate usage – cost unit rate defined by default for value calculations. It receives the Plan value. It is completed automatically according to the data defined for the selected valuation.

Valuation price – defines the price for material calculations:

  • Billing price 1
  • Billing price 2
  • Billing price 3
  • Billing price 4
  • Billing price 5
  • Inventory count price
  • Last cost price
  • Average price

It is completed automatically according to the data defined for the selected valuation.


The table of the Production inventory value query application presents the data specified in the query pane. The production order lines are displayed in the table, by default. Details of the displayed data can be expanded with the following buttons:

[Deviations] – presents additional percentage values regarding the ratio of actual to target quantities.

[Total] – adds a line that sums up the values of all the displayed records. Following values can be summed up:

  • Fixed actual value
  • Variable actual value
  • Fixed target value
  • Variable target value

[Order line items] – expands the production order view and displays the related inventory and materials.

[Export to data file] – exports the table data to a file. The exported file format is XLS.

The table is composed of the following columns:

Order – production order number.

Item/resource – name of items or resources related to a given production order.

Actual quantity – declared quantity or time devoted to processing a production order line item.

Target quantity – expected quantity or operation duration for a production order line item.

Fixed actual value – fixed quantities and times-relevant actual value.

Variable actual value – changeable quantities and times-relevant actual value.

Fixed target value – fixed quantities and times-relevant target value.

Variable target value – changeable quantities and times-relevant target value.

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