Production methods

The Production methods application allows defining alternative production methods for a given item. Alternative methods are defined in the Items application (Production view). In item data, an alternative production method may be assigned a bill of material and routing. After an alternative production method is defined for an item, it may be activated in the Production orders application on the Dispatching tab.

Production methods application

The application’s header contains the following buttons:

  • [New] – it allows adding a new production method or duplicating an existing one
  • [Delete] – it makes it possible to delete a production method or mark/unmark it for deletion. If a deletion marker has been set, a production method is deleted after using the button [Refresh] or [Save]. It is not possible to delete a production method if it is used for an item or production order.

The application header contains the following fields:

  • Production method – the name of a defined production method
  • Description – the description of a defined production method
  • Deletion marker – it contains a drop-down menu allowing the user to filter table line items:
    • (All) – it selects all the options available in the menu
    • Marked as deleted – it displays line items with a deletion marker
    • Not marked for deletion – it displays line items without a deletion marker

The table is composed of two columns with names corresponding to the application fields Production method and Description.

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