Production order reporting

Production order reporting

Production orders can be reported in the system via posting applications in which you can enter the actual data such as quantities and times in reference to the searched production orders. More information about these applications can be found in the article Production postings.

The entered data is the basic information about statuses of production orders and reservations (material, operation and resource reservations), synchronization of production purposes, reduction of production capacity load as well as receipts and issues of goods.

In Operation postings application, you can post the actual data regarding the operation defined in a production order. This action can be generated automatically depending on the Automatic reporting field setting in Production order types application.

In Rejects postings application, you can post the scrap quantity related to a production order. Material and service activities for all order line items are also posted.

In Plant data collection postings application, you can post the actual production processing data, but as opposed to actual messages about quantities and operation times, the following posting categories from data collection are transferred to the system:

  • Begin operation
  • Exit operation
  • Interrupt operation
  • Report operation
  • Cancel operation start

In Picking orders application, you can pick the materials necessary for production in a production warehouse when using the organization structure Main warehouse – production warehouse. A picking order is used to pick the necessary materials in the main warehouse, for production purposes next week for instance.

In Production issues application, you can post the actual usage of materials to process production orders.

In Receipt of goods application, you can take receipt of goods into a warehouse. The receipt of inventory posting results usually from the receipt of goods posting for production orders. After automatic reporting is activated in Production order types application, production issues can also be generated automatically when the goods are received.

Manual reporting

The system settings are defined to force manual voucher generation and reporting for the entire production process. After the production order is released, the following can be reported:

  • Picking order – these orders can be processed in Picking orders application. An adequate differentiation between production warehouses and material issue warehouses is a prerequisite.
  • Material usage – material line items related with a production order can be reported in Production issues application. Material usage can also be reported with inventory posting in reference to production order line items in Inventory postings application. Alternatively, inventory movements can also be imported via the CORBA interface.
  • Operations – they can be reported in Operation postings application. Alternatively, operation line items can be imported via the CORBA interface. Operations can also be reported via Plant data collection postings application.
  • Co-product – the completion of co-product picking can be reported in Receipts of goods application (Production view).
  • Production element – production process completion can be reported in Receipts of goods application (Production view).
  • Scrap – scrap can be reported in Receipts of goods application (Production view) or in Rejects postings application.

Automatic reporting

The system settings are defined in such a way that the system can take over some of the production process-related activities. Following elements and dependencies can be included automatically in reports:

  • Operation – operation posting reporting can also include the preceding operations or material withdrawal prior to operation execution (that is the line items with lower line item numbers).
  • Receipt of goods – the receipt of goods reporting can also include operations or material usage.


The production reporting-related settings can be specified in Customizing application under production order line item or production order type.

  • The Automatic reporting parameter settings in Production orders application for a given production order line item determines whether an order line item is to be reported automatically.
  • The Automatic reporting field settings in Production order types application determines which event is to run the automatic reporting. Selectable options are:
    • On receipt of goods from production
    • On report of operation
  • The Reporting level field setting in Operations application determines the process level on which reporting is carried out. Selectable options are:
    • Operation – the process is reported at operation level.
    • Resource – the process is reported at resource level.
  • The Reporting via last operation parameter setting in Customizing application under Production -> Reportings function determines whether goods reporting is to be received automatically together with reporting of the last operation in the production process.
  • In Reservation category field in the Production order types application, you can determine whether a production order is to generate material reservations in warehouses.
  • If Report of operation is selected in the Automatic reporting field, then the last operation cannot be marked for automatic reporting. Otherwise, it will not be possible to report the production order.
  • Materials and co-products cannot be reported automatically.
  • The issues warehouse, which is relevant for material line items in automatic reporting, is specified under production order type.
  • If the receipts warehouse in a production order is divided into storage locations, whereas production receipts should be posted automatically via the last operation posting, then goods are received from production to the warehouse receipts zone. To place the goods in the proper storage location, you need to:
    • generate an inventory order with appropriately assigned storage location in Inventory postings application or Receipts of goods
  • If the produced goods are to be packed or if you want to work with automatically generated inventory orders, you need to use the manual receipts of goods functionality.

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