Purchasing RFQs: Actions

Topic overview

This article describes the application-related actions that are available in the Purchasing RFQs application and in the Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs and Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs/line items query applications.

The fields of the Purchasing RFQs application are described in the article Purchasing RFQs.

The query applications for purchasing RFQs are described in these articles:

  • Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs
  • Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs/line items

Instructions for handling purchasing RFQs, e.g. describing how to enter and process purchasing RFQs, can be found in the article Procedures: Purchasing RFQs.

Purchasing RFQ types are used to identify purchasing RFQs and contain settings and default values. They are described separately in the article Purchasing RFQ types.

Standard actions

The standard actions [New], [Duplicate header], [Refresh], [Validate], [Save], and [Delete], as well as the interaction between the line item table and the line item editor, are described in the article General actions for voucher processing.

Additional options for generating purchasing RFQs: Generating via purchasing recommendations

A purchasing recommendation is a recommendation calculated by the system concerning items to be ordered, their quantities, and the timing of the order. The system generates purchasing recommendations automatically in the Calculate purchasing recommendations and Generate purchasing recommendations applications. The Purchasing recommendations application is used to process the calculated purchasing recommendations. If required, you can also generate new purchasing RFQs there.

For more information on purchasing recommendations, see the article Purchasing recommendations.

[Change pseudo item description(s)…] action

With the [Change pseudo item descriptions…] action in the standard toolbar and the [Change pseudo item description…] in the line item editor, you can store different descriptions for pseudo items added as line items.

For more information, see the article Actions: Change pseudo item description(s).

Changing the general status

You can use actions under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar to manually change the general status of a purchasing RFQ. When an individual RFQ line item is opened in the line item editor, you can also change the status of that line item using the corresponding actions available under the [Actions] button in the toolbar of the line item editor.

For more information, see the article Actions: Release, block, and complete voucher/line items.

For more information on the meaning and effects of the general statuses of RFQs and individual RFQ line items, see the article Purchasing RFQs.

[Release] action

You can use the [Release] action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar to change the general status of the RFQ to Released. This releases both the header and all line items.

For more information, see the article Actions: Release, block, and complete voucher/line items.

[Release line items…] action

You can use the [Release line items…] action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar to release the header and, optionally, all or selected line items.

[Block] action

You can use the [Block] action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar to change the general status of the RFQ to Blocked. The action blocks both the header and all line items.

For more information, see the article Actions: Release, block, and complete voucher/line items.

[Block line items…] action

You can use the [Block line items…] action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar to block all or selected line items. This does not change the status of the voucher header.

[Complete line items…] action

You can use the [Complete line items…] action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar to complete all or selected line items. If all line items are then completed, the voucher header’s status also changes to Completed.

[Release] action (line item editor)

If the voucher header has the status Released, the [Release] action is available for line items in the line item editor toolbar under the [Actions] button.

By executing the action, the line item opened in the line item editor is immediately assigned the Released status both in the line item editor and in the line item table. The voucher does not need to be saved for this action.

[Block] action (line item editor)

If the voucher header does not have the Completed status, the [Block] action is available for line items in the line item editor under the [Actions] button.

By executing the action, the line item opened in the line item editor is immediately assigned the Blocked status both in the line item editor and in the line item table. The voucher does not need to be saved for this action.

[Find and add line items…] action (line item table)

In various voucher applications, e.g. those concerning purchasing RFQs, supplier quotations, purchase or sales orders, distribution orders, etc., you can use the [Find and add line items…] action to search for suitable line items from other vouchers and add them to the target voucher. The source voucher in which the line item is searched for can have the same or different voucher type as the target voucher.

In contrast to the [Duplicate] function in the line item editor, only selected data such as the line item identification and quantity are copied from the source voucher line item when it is copied.

For more information, see the article Action: Find and add line items.

[Find and add item…] action (line item table)

With the [Find and add item…] action in the toolbar of the line item table, you can add new items to the purchasing RFQ by searching for purchasing items, supplier items or, if applicable, item characteristics.

For more information, see the article Action: Find and add item.

[Find and add variant item for reference item] action (line item table)

Using the action [Find and add variant item for reference item] in the toolbar of the line item table opens a dialog box in which you can search for variant items for a reference item and enter a total quantity for each of the desired variant items. You can then select the [Accept all selected] button to automatically create and save the new basic line items in the voucher’s line item table, unless there are some messages preventing you from saving the changes. If such messages occur, you need to transfer the line items using the line item editor.

For more details, see the article Action: Find and add variant item to reference item.

[Alternative variant…] action (line item editor)

You can use the [Alternative variant…] action under the [Actions] button in the toolbar of the line item editor to select a variant item for a reference item opened in the editor. If a variant item is already opened, you can select an alternative variant item.

For more details, see the article Action: Select variant item for reference item.

[Update accounting data] action (line item editor)

The [Update accounting data] action under the [Actions] button in the toolbar of the line item editor can be used to determine the account assignment data from the master data and insert it into the respective fields.

The action updates the following data:

  • Cost center
  • Cost unit

The action is only available if the following requirements are met:

  • The current user is assigned as an employee within their company
  • The voucher is editable
  • The line item is not marked for deletion

[Output RFQs…] action

You can use the [Output RFQs…] action to output the purchasing RFQ voucher. This voucher can be output individually for each RFQ recipient.

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