Receipts of goods

Topic overview

This article discusses item receipts from:

  • internal production
  • distribution – transport of goods between a company’s localizations
  • purchase order processing
  • returned items

In the Receipts of goods application, it is possible to:

  • take receipt of goods into a warehouse
  • register services provided to the company, which have been ordered based on a purchase order
Posting of a receipt of goods voucher increases inventory.

A receipt of goods voucher is associated with:

  • purchase order
  • sales order
  • production order
  • distribution order
  • customer return

Receipt of goods types

Receipts of goods may result from:

  • purchasing, thus they can be entered and edited from a purchase order. A receipt of goods refers to one or several purchase orders and can only be posted with a reference to such a document.
  • production, thus they can be entered and edited from an internal production. A receipt of goods refers to one or several production orders and can only be posted with a reference to such a document.
  • customer return of goods, thus they can be entered and edited from a customer return. A receipt of goods refers to one or several sales orders and can only be posted with a reference to such a document.
  • distribution, thus they can be entered and edited from a distribution order. A receipt of goods refers to one or several distribution orders and can only be posted with a reference to such a document.
Goods from distribution orders can only be taken in the systems that support multi-site functionality.

Canceling receipts of goods

Posted receipts of goods can later be canceled in the system. They can be canceled entirely or partially only. Cancellation of a receipt of goods creates a correction, which is a separate document. Document cancellation is not registered directly in the source document.


A new voucher 100-WEB0561 has been created as a correction related to the cancellation of the receipt of goods voucher 100-WEB0266.

Views of the cockpit applications

In cockpit applications it is possible to view many objects or search form them in order to process them further individually or collectively. Cockpits are also used, for instance, to query sales orders.

Cockpit: Purchasing items and Cockpit: Inventories applications have also the following receipt of goods-related views:

  • Receipt of goods – master data
  • Receipt of goods – line item data

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