Reorganize supplier contracts

Topic overview

The reorganization application Reorganize supplier contracts is used to reorganize supplier contracts. Below you will find, among other things, descriptions of how to use the reorganization application and its parameters. You will also be informed about the effects of the reorganization.

The reorganization applications are executed by the Reorganization jobs application. The description of this application can be found in the Reorganization jobs article. It also contains a procedure on how to run the reorganization application.

Various reorganization applications are added to the list in the Reorganization jobs application in order to be executed one after the other with a reorganization job. In order for reorganization to actually take place, a certain sequence within the list must often be adhered to. This is the only way to resolve usages. This sequence can be found in the Reorganization sequence article.

Definitions of terms

Batch application

A batch application is an application that is run without interaction with a user. It can be opened either by a batch job, a CORBA call-up, or another application.


When data is reorganized, it is physically deleted from the database. Deletion requires a set of checks to be satisfied. With reorganization, any business objects that are dependent on the data to be deleted are also deleted.

Reorganization application

Reorganization applications are batch applications with the special “reorganization” use. Reorganization applications are used to reorganize master and transaction data according to certain criteria.

Reorganization job

A reorganization job describes the reorganization of business objects in a defined sequence. For this purpose, several reorganization applications are called up one after the other in a reorganization job. This allows sequence dependencies to be taken into account.


The reorganization application Reorganize supplier contracts is used to reorganize supplier contracts. The supplier contracts that have been assigned a deletion marker are called up. Whether the respective supplier contract is actually reorganized depends on the following preconditions.

The reorganization application is executed via the Reorganization jobs application. Further information on this application can be found in the Reorganization jobs article.


The precondition for the reorganization of a supplier contract is that it has a deletion marker. Only then will it be taken into account for the reorganization. The following requirements must also be met:

  • The supplier contract must have the status Completed
  • No vouchers that correspond to the following voucher categories may be linked to this supplier contract:
    • Purchase order


If the requirements for reorganization are met, the supplier contract is reorganized. The following data of the supplier contract to be reorganized is physically deleted:

  • Supplier contract header
  • All supplier contract line items
  • All entries belonging to the supplier contract for the definition of the call-off organizations
  • All entries belonging to the supplier contract in the business entities for the authorizations

The identification (type and number) of the reorganized supplier contract is saved together with the GUID in the Voucher reorganization data business entity.


The reorganization application has the following parameters:

  • Maximum run time – the maximum run time of a reorganization application is the period of time after which the reorganization application is terminated at the latest. The default value is ten minutes.
  • Export mode – the export mode can be used to set whether and what is exported for archiving. The following export modes can be selected:
    • Do not export
    • Export all attributes
    • Export with filter

This mode is only available if the export is possible in the Export data application.
The export mode is only available if the reorganization application allows the data to be archived.

  • Export filter – for the Export with filter export mode, you can specify an export filter to be used for archiving in this field. The export filter can be created in the Export data application.

This field is only available if it is possible to export the business objects to be reorganized via the Export data application.

Affected business entities

The following business objects are affected by the reorganization:

Reorganized business objects

  • Description: Supplier contract
  • Description: Supplier contract line items
  • Description: Supplier contract call-off organization
  • Description: Document organization authorizations

New business objects

  • Description: Voucher reorganization data
  • Description: Voucher line item reorganization data

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