Report: Supplier contract types

Topic overview

You can use the Supplier contract types report to output the master data for the application of the same name. Only the organizational authorizations, which can be defined in connection with content-based authorizations, are not output.

The report serves as a template. You can customize the report according to your needs. In particular, you can use the Reports application for this purpose. For more details, see the Reports article.

This article informs you about the report parameters that you can use to define what the document to be output should contain. You will also find information about the output result.

Definitions of terms

Voucher documents

A voucher document or report document is generated when a report is output to an output device such as a printer or to a file. The report document contains a list of objects, e.g., a list of addresses. A voucher document always concerns one object—a sales order, for example. The documents may be archived or forwarded to a partner, for example, as a fax or by e-mail.


A voucher documents a business event. Orders are a subset of vouchers; sales orders and purchase orders are examples of vouchers. A voucher document is generated when a voucher is output.


Reports are used to output data via the ERP System Output Manager (SOM) or Crystal Reports. Reports are distinguished for output in “voucher documents” and “report documents”. Reports for voucher documents are based on the data of an individual voucher. For example, a report for the voucher document “order confirmation” is based on the data of the “sales order” voucher. Reports for report documents can be based on various data that are determined by using search features. In the report documents, data are often presented as a list, e.g., an address list. Reports contain one or more report files, which define the parameters, the number of fields, and the look of a report. They can be created as system object or development object.

Report file

The appearance of a report document is established with a report file. The report files are edited in Crystal Reports. Report files can be language-dependent or language-independent.

Report document

A voucher document or report document is generated when a report is output to an output device, such as a printer or to a file. The report document contains a list of objects, e.g., a list of addresses. A voucher document always concerns one object—a sales order, for example. The documents may be archived or forwarded to a partner, for example, as a fax or by e-mail.

Report parameters

You use the parameters of a report to determine the search criteria and, as a result, the output result. Parameters are therefore used for the selection of a data set.

The parameters are explained in the following table. The Parameter name column contains the technical names of the parameters defined for the report. The Parameter description column contains the displayed description of a parameter.

Parameter name Parameter description Explanation
ReportTitle Report title The Report title parameter contains the title of the report document. The default value is usually the description of the underlying report.

The title can be be defined individually.

Enter the desired title or change the default value.

PurchaseContractTypeCode Type The Type parameter is used to restrict the supplier contract types to be displayed.
PurchaseContractTypeDescription Description The Description parameter is used to restrict the supplier contract types to be displayed.
DeleteState Deletion marker You can use the Deletion marker parameter to restrict the number of supplier contract types to be displayed with regard to their deletion marker.

Output result

The fields are displayed in the report in a similar way to the application. For instances with a deletion marker, Marked for deletion is output as the first line.

The following fields are displayed:

  • Type – the supplier contract type is displayed
  • Description – the description of the supplier contract type is displayed
  • Number range – the number range of the supplier contract type is displayed
  • Creation status – the creation status for new supplier contracts of a given type is displayed
  • Category – the contract category is displayed. The following contract categories can be displayed:
    • Fixed quantity\
    • Fixed value
    • Fixed date
    • Consignment
    • Quantity/date
    • Value/date

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