Resource allocation

The Resource allocation application presents information on the actual planned production of a resource/order/resource group. Additionally, the application enables resource allocation in a graphical mode by moving a given production operation within a buffer time. Unlike the Resource utilization application, the Resource allocation application cannot compare a production capacity and utilization.

Resource allocation application

The application is composed of:

  • Header – it contains entry fields that enable users to filter displayed data according to their needs
  • Work pane – it displays filtered data in a graphical mode or in the form of a table

The header toolbar contains the [New] button that opens a new form. The header fields are described below:

  • Resource – select resources for which a plan should be displayed
  • Resource group – select a resource group for which a plan should be displayed
  • Time period – enter a utilization period; if no period is entered by the user, it is defined by default, starting from the current date and ending 45 days later
  • Order – enter the type and number of an order for which a resource reservation period should be displayed
  • Deletion marker – the field allows the user to select one of the following filters:
    • Marked as deleted – it displays resources with a deletion marker
    • Not marked for deletion – it displays resources without a deletion marker
    • (Other) – no status defined. It displays resources with the status of
  • Site – it displays resource utilization according to a selected site

Work pane

Overview tab

Resource allocation application work pane – Overview tab

The Overview tab makes it possible to summarize resources in a table and present their production capacity. The Overview tab contains the following buttons:

  • [Order line items] – it allows the user to display a resource with the time reserved for a given production order
  • [Working time] – it splits the working time of a given resource into intervals. This view presents defined intervals of continuous working time.
  • [Output pages already displayed into file] – it exports table data into an XLS file

Diagram tab

Resource allocation application work pane – Diagram tab

The tab allows a graphical preview of planned resource operations. The tab contains the following fields and buttons:

  • Begin time – it makes it possible to define an operation start date to be shown in a diagram
  • Precision – it allows the user to define how the data is to be displayed:
    • Days – it uses days as the diagram’s unit
    • Hours – it uses hours as the diagram’s unit
    • Minutes – it uses minutes as the diagram’s unit
    • Weeks – it uses weeks as the diagram’s unit
    • Months – it uses months as the diagram’s unit
  • [Order line items] – it allows the user to display the details of production orders for which a machine’s working time is specifically reserved

The tab displays the time of resource occupancy according to the following legend:

  • No color – the resource is unavailable or is not used; it is displayed, for instance, on holidays or during breaks
  • – Dark green – the resource is occupied
  • – Red – the resource is overused
  • – Light green – (available only after activating the [Order line items] button) – the resource is occupied for the purposes of a given production order.
  • – Gray – (available only after activating the [Order line items] button) – the resource has an assigned buffer time

This tab of the application makes it possible to reschedule a resource. To do so, select a reserved time slot (color). The Detailed information dialog window will be displayed.

Detailed information dialog window in Resource allocation application on Diagram tab

The dialog window contains the following options:

  • Line item – the number of a production order to which a selected operation is assigned
  • Resource – the resource being edited
  • Number of resources – the number of available resources of this category
  • Current begin (editable) – a precise beginning date and time of the operation
  • Current end (editable) – a precise end date and time of the operation
  • Buffer time before
  • Buffer time after
Rescheduling an operation time in the Resource allocation application is only possible within a previously determined buffer time. As a result, the current begin or end time may only be advanced or delayed by the buffer time before and after the operation, respectively.
  • Target setup time – a resource setup time defined in the Operations application
  • Actual setup time – a setup time retrieved from a production report created in the Operation postings application
  • Target processing time – a resource processing time defined in the Operations application
  • Actual processing time – a processing time retrieved from a production report created in the Operation postings application
  • Target quantity – a product quantity planned for production as part of the operation
  • Actual quantity – an actual produced quantity retrieved from a production report created in the Operation postings application
Actual data is retrieved from the Operation postings application. If the application has been fully executed, it will not be displayed in the Resource allocation application, since its execution will no longer need to be planned.

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