Sales channel item inventory management

The Sales channel item inventory management application belonging to the Multi-channel sales framework makes it possible to adjust settings related to the tracking of stock levels of individual items. Settings saved in the application override default inventory management settings for sales channels.

Using the Sales channel item inventory management application, the user can e.g. determine the method of displaying item availability within a sales channel. In the case of items whose availability is recorded (i.e. whose releases and receipts are taken into account and whose availability is displayed in a sales channel), the user can individually adjust the settings Allow negative available quantities and Alert quantity.

Sales channel item inventory management settings cannot be configured for the items of sales channels that do not have the Item inventory management in sales channel parameter selected on the Warehouse inventory management tab (in the Sales channels application). For such items, values in the fields Allow negative available quantitiesAlert quantity setting, and Alert quantity are not editable.

If a sales channel hierarchy is used (master and sub stores), inventory management settings can only be configured for master stores.

The Sales channel item inventory management application makes it possible to preview, create, and edit sales channel item inventory management settings.

The application is composed of a header and work pane.

Sales channel item inventory management application

The application header contains fields allowing the user to filter search results:

  • Sales channel – it allows selecting a sales channel as a search criterion for item inventory management settings
  • Item – in this field, it is possible to select items whose settings are to be displayed in the work pane
  • Item inventory management – it allows defining criteria for items to be displayed with regard to item inventory management settings:
    • (All)
    • According to sales channel setting – the application will display items with the value According to sales channel setting set in the Item inventory management column
    • No – the application will display items for which sales channel item inventory management is not handled
  • Allow negative available quantities – it allows defining criteria for items to be displayed with regard to negative quantity settings:
    • (All)
    • According to sales channel setting – the application will display items with the value According to sales channel setting set in the Allow negative availability column
    • Yes – the application will display items that can have negative availability
    • No – the application will display items that cannot have negative availability
  • Alert quantity setting – it allows defining criteria for items to be displayed with regard to alert quantity settings:
    • (All)
    • According to sales channel setting – the application will display items with the value According to sales channel setting set in the Alert quantity setting column
    • Item-specific – the application will display items with the value Item-specific set in the Alert quantity setting column

Work pane

The work pane displays search results according to criteria defined in the header. By default, the table displays all item inventory management settings configured in the system. The user can preview, sort, and edit them (also after they are saved), as well as add new ones and export them into a file. Also, settings can be deleted at any time. Sales channel data is updated after the export of item availability.

The work pane contains the following columns:

  • Sales channel (required) – in this field, it is necessary to select a sales channel for which item inventory management settings are to be entered. Available sales channels can be selected after clicking the [Value assistant] button.
  • Item (required) – in this field, it is necessary to select an item for which inventory management settings are to be entered. After a sales channel is specified in the previous field, the list available under the [Value assistant] button only contains items belonging to the specified sales channel. If the user selects an item that is not sold by a given sales channel, the system displays a relevant notification.
  • Item inventory management – it allows defining whether a given item is to be subject to item inventory management in a sales channel. Available options include:
    • According to sales channel setting – the application will use settings defined on the Warehouse inventory management tab in the Sales channels application
    • No – the item will not be inventoried in a given sales channel. After exporting its availability, its quantity will be set as 0. After selecting this value, the columns Allow negative available quantitiesAlert quantity setting, and Alert quantity become non-editable.
Non-inventoried items are generally considered as available in a sales channel, regardless of their actual available quantity. Item inventory management is only possible if a given item has inventory data at the site.
  • Allow negative availability – it allows determining whether the available item quantity in a sales channel can be a negative value. Available values include:
    • According to sales channel setting – the application will use settings defined on the Warehouse inventory management tab in the Sales channels application
    • Yes – it will be possible to sell a given item below stock levels
    • No – it will not be possible to sell a given item below stock levels
If a minimum available quantity has been reserved for an item in the ERP reserve inventory levels application, the system displays a notification informing the user that the item’s minimum stock level may be exhausted within a given sales channel.
  • Alert quantity setting – it allows determining whether an alert quantity defined in the Sales channels application is to be used for an item. Available values include:
    • According to sales channel setting – the application will use settings defined in the Sales channels application
    • Item-specific – if this value is selected, the user can enter (in the next column) a minimum item quantity available for sales in a sales channel
  • Alert quantity – it allows entering a minimum item quantity that needs to be reached to sell a given item in a sales channel
In sales channels that use traffic light labelling to indicate availability statuses (e.g. in Shopware stores), the availability of an alert quantity corresponds to a green light. If an alert quantity is not reached, a yellow light is displayed. If the available quantity is equal to or less than zero, a red light is displayed.

To apply changes made within a sales channel, item availability needs to be exported using the Export item availability batch application.

Business entities

The Sales channel item inventory management business entity ( is relevant to the application.

The entity is used, for instance, to calculate an available quantity in the sales channel.

The business entity is not a part of any business entity group.


No settings need to be made in the Customizing application for the Sales channel item inventory management application.


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning them to an organization.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Sales channel item inventory management application.

Organizational assignments

Organization structures may be used in order to determine authorizations for displaying, using, or editing data. For this purpose, the Content-based authorizations parameter must be activated in the Customizing application (Base function).

To ensure that a person can see and open the Sales channel item inventory management application in the user menu, the user must be assigned to an organization that is connected to the Sales organization structure.

Authorizations for business partners

The Sales channel item inventory management application is not released for business partners.

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