Comarch Webshop extension to Sales channels application

Extensions to the Sales channels application, belonging to the Multi-channel sales framework, make it possible to handle adapters, including the Comarch ERP Webshop adapter. Using this adapter, it is possible to exchange data with Comarch Webshop online stores through features available in the Multi-channel sales framework.

For the adapter to be available, it needs to be installed and activated in CustomizingFunctions Multi-channel salesComarch Webshop by selecting the Active parameter.

Work pane

The Comarch Webshop extension to the work pane of the Sales channels application provides an additional tab Comarch Webshop, containing settings that pertain to a sales channel selected in the application header. Available fields include:

Sales channels application: Comarch Webshop tab
  • Webshop URL (required) – in this field, it is necessary to enter the copied URL address of a Comarch Webshop store to be integrated with the ERP system
  • Webshop Name (required) – in this field, it is necessary to enter the name of a Comarch Webshop store to be integrated with the ERP system
  • Company name (required) – in this field, it is necessary to enter the name of a Comarch Webshop company to be integrated with the ERP system
Data needed to fill in the Webshop Name and Company name fields, together with a password necessary for the first synchronization, are provided to the user upon the synchronization. After the first synchronization, this data is shared on the website of the Comarch Webshop administrator on the My Profile tab → My ShopsSynchronization Data section of a relevant store.
  • Comarch Webshop version (required) – using the field’s drop-down list, it is necessary to select a Comarch Webshop protocol through which connection will be made
  • Manufacturers item categories – it allows the optional selection (with the use of the [Value assistant button]) of a sales channel item category to be used for assigning items to their manufacturers
In order to select a sales channel item category, it must be created in the Sales channel item categories application. Next, it is necessary to select a manufacturer as a category and assign a relevant item to that manufacturer.
  • Brands item categories – it allows the optional selection (with the use of the [Value assistant] button) of a sales channel item category to be used for assigning items to their brands
In the case of protocol 17, it is possible to define the same category tree structure as Manufacturer item categories and Brand item categories. In such a case, the first category level defines a manufacturer, and the second one defines a brand. Items must be assigned to brands subordinately; otherwise, export will fail.
Categories exported into an online store must have the status Released.
  • Old price – Customer price classification (required) – after a classification is entered in this field, both the curent and previous, crossed-out prices are displayed to customers in the external system. Classifications may be created and retrieved from the Classifications application.
For an original, crossed-out price to be displayed to a customer in an online store, the customer must first be imported with the use of the Import customers application and provided, in the Customer view of that partner’s form, with a customer price classification defined in the sales channel and a price listing containing a price list with new prices defined for the same customer price classification. Next, the customer and the price lists must be exported into the external system.
  • Localization (required field) – in this field, it is necessary to enter the localization of Comarch Webshop. A relevant value may be selected from a drop-down list.
A localization’s country must be consistent with the localization country of an organization entered in the sales channel header; otherwise, export errors may occur.
  • Individual price list setting – for the purposes of customers with individual price lists, this setting allows managing the visibility of prices and items not included in those price lists. Available options include:
    • Show standard price – a standard price available to all customers will be displayed to a customer with an individual price list
    • Hide item – a given item will not be displayed to such a customer
    • Ask for price – an Ask about price notification will be displayed next to a given item
  • Group of customizable attributes – it allows adding items with a text field to the sales channel; customers will be able to enter their comments or notes in such a field when purchasing a given item. Notes added in Comarch Webshop can be imported into the ERP system together with sales orders. In this field, it is necessary to enter the ID of a PIM item characteristic group, entered also in the Sales channels application’s Group identifier field on the PIM – Item characteristic groups and Group identifier column of a selected item characteristic row on the PIM – Item characteristic setting tab. A given characteristic must be of the Text category. Additionally, an item to which text fields are to be added, must be assigned to the same characteristic in the Item characteristics application.

Additional settings

In order to perform the first synchronization of a sales channel using the Comarch ERP Webshop adapter, it is necessary to run the batch application Comarch Webshop activate synchronization.

To connect a newly created sales channel with a Comarch Webshop store, the user should enter in the application the sales channel’s name and a password available on the website of the Comarch Webshop administrator in the Synchronization Data section; next, it is necessary to select the [In batch] button.

Comarch Webshop activate synchronization application
After the Comarch ERP Webshop adapter is selected, the B2B tab of the Sales channels application displays additional fields: Sales quotation type and Sales RFQ type. These fields are dedicated to the Comarch ERP Webshop adapter and are described in the Sales channels article.

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