Supplier quotations

Topic overview

The purchasing functionality fulfills the task of optimally providing a company with the material and non-material goods it requires as primary material for production, for internal use, or for commercial resale. In this context, the term “optimal” refers to the availability of the proper goods in the proper quantity at the proper time and at the proper location, if applicable. The purchasing functionality ensures this by selecting the optimal supplier, among other things.

Soliciting of quotations from possible suppliers plays a central role in this process. The first step for this is to create an RFQ and transmit it to the potential suppliers. Quotations are then normally submitted in response to RFQs (or calls for bids) before the specified quotation deadline. Only binding quotations with limited terms are examined in this article. That is, open-ended quotations are not the subject of this article.

The supplier indicates in its quotation whether or not it can deliver the required goods and, if so, which ones and at what price. Details are provided in the supplier’s quotation to confirm that the requested quantity of the requested item can be delivered to the requested location on the requested date in accordance with the requested additional terms. Or, the supplier will offer alternatives, if applicable. The supplier uses the binding period to define the time period during which the quotation remains valid. Once the quotation deadline has passed or after all quotations have been received, the received quotations are compared based on different criteria, such as price and delivery date. The quotation identified in this way is then authorized.

The authorization for one or more suppliers to carry out the delivery is reflected in purchase orders.

This article describes the structure of the Supplier quotations application. The panes in the application and the input fields are described in detail. For example, each field is explained by providing its meaning along with the values or data you can enter or, if applicable, the location from which automatically displayed default values and default settings, if applicable, are taken.

The actions available to you for processing a supplier quotation are described in the article Supplier quotations: Actions.

Instructions for working with supplier quotations, such as how to enter or process supplier quotations, can be found in the article Procedures: Supplier quotations.

Supplier quotation types are an identifying component for supplier quotations and contain settings and defaults. They are described in the article Supplier quotation types.

You can find an overview of the various ERP processes involved in purchasing in the article Introduction: Purchasing.

Definitions of terms

Supplier quotations

A supplier quotation is an offer made by a supplier for requested items. A supplier quotation contains information about the item, price, quantity, delivery date, terms of payment and delivery, and the delivery address. A limit can be placed on a quotation by specifying a binding period. Supplier quotations can be referenced to purchasing RFQs in the system and therefore be part of a voucher references chain.

Application description

The Supplier quotations application is used to create and process supplier quotations. It consists of an identification pane and a work pane with individual supplier quotation line items.

Identification pane

The identification pane of the supplier quotation contains the relevant fields for unique identification of the supplier quotation, as well as the supplier quotation header. The supplier quotation header displays the generally applicable fields for the supplier quotation on the following tabs:

The tab contents are described in detail below.


The supplier quotation header contains the following:

  • Generally applicable quotation data that apply to all line items and must be entered identically. An example of this is the quotation currency.
  • Defaults for the quotation line items that are applied to the line items but can still be stored with different entries in each line item. Delivery terms are an example of this.

In many fields — both in the supplier quotation header and in the individual quotation line items — default data are displayed automatically that were taken as settings and defaults from the master data in other panes. Accordingly, much of the data in the supplier quotation is taken from the supplier quotation type. If certain data are not entered in the quotation type, these data can taken from the supplier, for example, and added in the quotation. As a general rule, defaults can still be changed.

The individual fields are listed and described below. Possible sources of defaults and settings are also indicated. All data that are mandatory for a supplier quotation (= mandatory fields) are identified by message corners in the relevant fields.

Fields for identification

The supplier quotation type and the supplier quotation number are used for identification. In addition to this identification, the summarized status of the supplier quotation and the supplier is displayed.

  • Number – the Number field displays the unique identification of the supplier quotation. It consists of two pieces of information: the supplier quotation type in the first input field and the supplier quotation number in the second input field. The supplier quotation type used acts in combination with the supplier quotation number to identify the supplier quotation.
    • Quotation type – select an existing supplier quotation type for the supplier quotation that you want to generate or process. Once a new supplier quotation is generated, its supplier quotation type cannot be changed anymore.
    • Quotation number – the supplier quotation number is generated automatically by the system based on the number range specified in the supplier quotation type. It cannot be specified manually. If required, specify the supplier quotation number of the supplier quotation you want to process as a selection characteristic.
A number that has already been issued to a quotation cannot be reused, even if the quotation was not saved.
  • Status – the status information for this supplier quotation is displayed. The supplier quotation is created with the status that is stored as the Creation status in the quotation type used. It can be changed manually, if necessary.
    See also Status and status changes.
  • Supplier – as a quotation recipient, a supplier is uniquely identified and assigned here via its partner number. Only a partner that has been assigned the supplier partner role relative to the purchasing organization can be selected.
    For more details on the Supplier partner role, see the article Partners, Supplier view.
    As soon as quotation line items have been entered, the assigned supplier cannot be changed anymore.
    Once you have entered or selected the supplier, you can use the [Enter] key to have the system apply the defaults and settings stored for this partner to the quotation header. If you have already entered the validity period, the insertion point jumps to the item field in the line item editor; otherwise, you must first specify the validity period.
    Alternatively, you can also apply the supplier-specific defaults and settings by choosing the [Validate] or [Save] action.
    If an order is generated from the quotation, the supplier is applied to the order.

General tab

Among other things, the General tab contains information regarding the persons and organizations involved and the date and deadline information.

  • Name and Address (each supplier) – the system fills in the Name and Address fields automatically. These data come from the partner master data of the selected supplier and cannot be edited in these fields.
    The values are applied to an order connected with the quotation, if applicable.
    Pseudo-partner exception:
    A pseudo-partner has been assigned as a supplier. In this case, the name and address data can be changed manually until the first line item is applied.
  • Care of – a contact person for the supplier can be selected, changed, or entered as desired in Care of. In this case, a default purchasing contact person from the partner master data of the supplier is displayed, if applicable.
    The contact person is applied as a default to an order connected with the quotation, if applicable.
    For more details on the functionality of this field and possible procedures, see the article “Care of” field.
  • External voucher number and date – these two fields are available for user entry of text and date information. They can be used, for example, if an associated RFQ was not entered in the system.
    The data entered in these fields are used only for information purposes and for searching, for example, in the purchasing cockpit. They have no effect in the system.
The data entered in these fields do not generate any voucher references.
  • Creation date – creation date is the date on which the supplier quotation was created. The system enters the current date automatically. However, it can be overwritten, if this would be useful for analyses or statistical purposes, for example.
  • Preferred date – the preferred date describes the time point at which you or your company expect delivery of the items.
    The system automatically enters the current date as the preferred date. You can change this date.
    This field is displayed with the due date type that was specified in the master data of the supplier. Among other things, the due date type defines the precision for date and time values in the form of a defined time period, for instance days or calendar weeks.
    This due date type cannot be changed; you must enter the preferred date using the specified due date type, thus for example as a certain calendar day, calendar week, or month.
    The preferred date is applied as a default to a purchase order connected with the quotation, if applicable.
  • Employee responsible – in this field, an employee of your company can be selected as the internal contact person. The employee must be entered as a partner with the internal employee role assigned, which in turn assigns the employee to your company.
    The preferred date is applied as a default to an order connected with the quotation, if applicable.
    Determination of default:
    The system checks whether the current system user processing the supplier quotation is assigned as an internal employee.
    The database currently being used by the system is relevant for this. The system manages all master data and transaction data for the ERP applications for each company in an online transaction processing (OLTP) database. The employees of the company are also entered as master data in this OLTP database.
    If the system now finds that the current user is assigned to an internal employee in the currently active OLTP database, this field displays the employee as a default. The employee can be changed, however.
  • Validity period – the validity period specifies the time period during which the quotation is valid. The first field specifies the time point from which the quotation is valid. The system preassigns the current date in this field. The second field indicates the binding period, thus the time point until which the quotation remains valid. The system uses the data entered here to calculate the purchase order deadline status.
    See also Status and status changes.
    Both times must be entered manually as they are particular to the quotation. The binding period must be in the future. The system checks this.
  • Order confirmation required – the supplier confirms the purchase order scope and the specified terms with a purchase order confirmation.
    Choose here whether a purchase order confirmation is required. The default is taken from the master data of the supplier.
    If an order is generated from a supplier quotation, the selection is applied to the order. If a confirmation is required, the Confirmation by date is the date by which confirmation is expected for the order.

Delivery recipient tab

The Delivery recipient tab contains information regarding the site (inventory logistics organization) that receives the goods in this supplier quotation.

  • Delivery recipient – the delivery recipient receives the delivery of the ordered items. The delivery recipient is the site of the warehouse to which the delivery is to be made. It is explicitly identified and displayed in this field via its partner number. The name and address data are taken from the master data of the delivery recipient and displayed.
  • Name and Address – the system fills in the Name and Address fields automatically. These data come from the partner master data of the delivery recipient and cannot be edited in this field. The delivery recipient is applied to an order connected with the quotation, if applicable.
  • Care of – a contact person for the delivery recipient can be selected, changed, or entered as desired in Care of. In this case, a default purchasing contact person from the partner master data of the delivery recipient is displayed, if applicable.
    For more details on the functionality of this field and possible procedures, see the article “Care of” field.
  • Carrier – the carrier is responsible for shipping goods. It authorizes a company to transport the goods (shipping company) or transports the goods itself.
    The carrier can be any partner identified as a Carrier in its master data.
    The default carrier is taken from the master data of the delivery partner, if applicable. The carrier can match the delivery partner. If more than one carrier is assigned to the delivery partner, the preferred carrier is applied as the default.
  • Warehouse – in supplier quotations, the warehouse designates the receipts warehouse to which the ordered items are to be delivered.
    The default warehouse is taken from the purchasing RFQ connected with the supplier quotation, if applicable. Otherwise, the default is taken from the supplier quotation type. If a warehouse is not entered there, the default is taken from the delivery partner. If a warehouse is not entered there either, the warehouse stored for the purchasing organization under the Purchasing heading of the Customizing application is used as the receipts warehouse.
    Note that the preassigned value depends on the Default warehouse field.|
    Also note that the warehouse of the line item can also result from the item.
    The warehouse can be changed. If required, select another warehouse that is available in the system and that is permissible for the purchasing organization.
    The warehouse is applied to a purchase order connected with the supplier quotation, if applicable.
    The warehouses are entered in the Warehouses application.
  • Default warehouse – this field specifies whether or not, or under what conditions, the warehouse is to be preassigned. The value here is used as a default when the basic line items are newly created. This setting can be changed for each line item. Possible values are:
  • Inventory owners origin – the inventory owner is the legal owner of a warehouse inventory. It indicates to whom the goods are supposed to belong for receipts posting. This field specifies the method that is to be used to identify the inventory owner. Possible values are:
    • Delivery recipient firm
    • Purchasing organization firm
Inter-company billing occurs only if the Delivery recipient firm is specified here and the purchasing organization firm differs from that of the site (delivery recipient).

The type is used to preassign this value. It can be changed up until the first line item is entered.

Delivery partner tab

The Delivery partner tab contains data of the partner involved in delivery.

  • Delivery partner – the delivery partner takes responsibility for the delivery or shipment of ordered items. The delivery partner is a partner with the supplier role assigned. It is explicitly identified and assigned in this field via its partner number. The default name and address data are taken from its partner master data.
    Any partner assigned as a delivery partner to the supplier in the supplier’s master data is permissible as the delivery partner. The delivery partner can match the supplier.
    For more details on the Supplier partner role, see the article Partners, Supplier view.
    The delivery partner entered for the supplier is applied as the default. If more than one delivery partner is assigned to the supplier, the delivery partner identified as the preferred delivery partner is applied to the supplier quotation. You can choose a different delivery partner assigned to the supplier.
    As soon as quotation line items have been entered and saved, the delivery partner cannot be changed anymore.
    If an order is generated from the quotation, the delivery partner entered here is applied to the order as the default.
  • Name and Address – the name and address of the delivery partner entered in the partner master data are applied to these fields. The data can be changed for this quotation.
Data changed in these fields are saved in the quotation but not in the partner master data.
  • Care of – a contact person for the delivery partner can be selected, changed, or entered as desired in Care of. In this case, a default purchasing contact person from the partner master data of the delivery partner is displayed, if applicable.
    For more details on the functionality of this field and possible procedures, see the article “Care of” field.

Delivery terms tab

The Delivery terms tab contains terms for the delivery.

  • Delivery term – delivery terms describe agreements between the buyer and seller. They are used to specify the type of delivery and the place of delivery, for example, free domicile or pickup.
    If an INCO term is included as a delivery term, you must specify a location reference.
    For more information on INCO terms, see the article Delivery terms.
    The delivery term is taken from the purchasing RFQ connected with the quotation, if applicable. Otherwise, it is taken from the supplier quotation type. If the delivery term is not entered there, the default is taken from the delivery partner data.
    You can replace the default. The delivery term chosen in this field is applied to the quotation line items as a default.
    The delivery term is applied as a default to a purchase order connected with the quotation, if applicable.
  • Shipping terms – shipping terms describe the manner in which the items are transported, for example, via freight forwarder, courier, or mail.
    Select an available shipping term.
    For more information about shipping terms, see the article Shipping terms.
    The shipping term is taken from the purchasing RFQ connected with the quotation, if applicable. Otherwise, it is taken from the supplier quotation type. If the shipping term is not entered there, the default is taken from the delivery partner data.
    You can replace the default. The shipping term chosen in this field is applied to the quotation line items as a default.
    The delivery term is applied as a default to a purchase order connected with the quotation, if applicable.
  • Delivery restriction – here you enter the delivery restrictions on the part of your company: Is the supplier permitted to make partial deliveries? You can choose among the following:
    • No restriction
    • Deliver order in full
    • Deliver line items in full

The default delivery restriction is taken from the supplier, if applicable. It is only for information purposes and currently causes no effects on the system.

Purchasing organization tab

The Purchasing organization tab contains the data of the purchasing organization responsible for the supplier quotation.

  • Purchasing organization – the purchasing organization is the organization that takes care of processing the supplier quotation. At the same time it is the organization receiving the invoice from the invoicing party if the quotation is accepted. It is explicitly identified in this field via its partner number. The name and address data are copied to the quotation at the time it is created.
    The purchasing organization must be selected before opening the new quotation. It cannot be changed afterwards. In a single site environment without content-related authorizations, this is always the active OLTP client.
    Moreover, the purchasing organization is the organization relevant to the authorization.
    For more details, see the article Introduction: Multi-site and Content-based authorizations.
  • Name and Address – the system fills in the Name and Address fields automatically. These data come from the partner master data of the purchasing organization and cannot be edited in this field.
  • Care of – a contact person for the purchasing organization can be selected, changed, or entered as desired in Care of. In this case, a default from the partner master data of the purchasing organization is provided, if applicable.
    For more details on the functionality of this field and possible procedures, see the article “Care of” field.
  • Firm – when a supplier quotation is created, the finance organization (firm) of the purchasing organization is applied to this field. The value cannot be changed.
  • Payment method – the payment method describes the manner in which the invoice is to be paid, for example, via bank collection or cash on delivery.
    The default payment method in this field is taken from the underlying purchasing RFQ, if applicable. If this information was not entered there, the default payment method is taken from the supplier master data of the invoicing party. You can select a different payment method.
    If a purchase order is generated from the quotation, the payment method is applied to the order.
    For more information, see the article Payment methods.
  • Price classification – price classification is a parameter for determining prices and discounts. The value is taken from the supplier master data of the partner, which is specified via the Partner usage attribute. The value cannot be changed directly.
  • RFQ – the RFQ field contains a voucher reference to a purchasing RFQ. The purchasing RFQ type and number identify the purchasing RFQ that is connected with the supplier quotation. This voucher reference is normally generated by the system and cannot be changed anymore.
    A voucher reference to a purchasing RFQ can also be entered manually. However, this is only possible if a quotation does not yet contain any line items. In this case, the voucher reference must then be entered manually for each line item in the line item editor in order for the voucher reference to function.

Invoicing party tab

The Invoicing party tab contains data of the invoicing party.

  • Invoicing party – the invoicing party is responsible for issuing a invoice for the delivered items and for tracking it, if necessary. It is explicitly identified and assigned in this field via its partner number. The name and address data are copied to the quotation at the time it is created.
    Any partner assigned as an invoicing party to the supplier in the supplier’s master data is permissible as the invoicing party. The invoicing party can match the supplier.
    For more details, see the article Partners, Supplier view.
    The invoicing party entered for the supplier is applied as the default. If more than one invoicing party is assigned to the supplier, the invoicing party identified as the preferred invoicing party is applied to the supplier quotation. You can choose a different invoicing party assigned to the supplier.
    The invoicing party can be changed until line items have been entered and applied to the line item table.
  • Name and Address – the system fills in the Name and Address fields automatically. These data come from the partner master data of the selected invoicing party and cannot be edited in these fields. The values are applied to an order connected with the quotation, if applicable.
    Pseudo-partner exception:
    A pseudo-partner has been listed as invoicing party. In this case, the name and address data can be changed manually until the first line item is applied.
  • Care of – a contact person for the invoicing party can be selected, changed, or entered as desired in Care of. In this case, a default purchasing contact person from the partner master data of the invoicing party is displayed, if applicable.
    For more details on the functionality of this field and possible procedures, see the article “Care of” field.

Invoicing terms tab

The Invoicing terms tab contains the terms for invoicing the quoted items.

  • Currency – a currency is a monetary unit. The quotation currency is specified in this field. Because the currency used is dependent on the supplier and will be used for external vouchers, such as invoices, it is also called a foreign currency. All prices and values are determined or calculated foremost in this currency. The default quotation currency is taken from the supplier master data of the invoicing party based on the purchasing organization firm. They can no longer be changed in this field, as soon as line items have been entered and applied to the line item table.
    The system checks whether the quotation currency chosen in this field can be converted to all internal currencies of the purchasing organization. The relevant exchange rate usage and the exchange rate category come from the Customizing for purchasing and are dependent on the purchasing organization.
    For more details, see the article Exchange rates.
    The system displays a warning if the quotation currency does not match the currency in the price listing. This warning can be ignored.
If the quotation currency differs from the currency in the price listing, the prices obtained during price determination will be converted to the quotation currency. In this case, the converted prices are subject to commercial rounding.
  • Price listing – more than one price list can be assigned to a price listing. For successful price determinations based on the calculation time and the reference date, the price listing must contain at least one valid price list. The price lists are valid during a certain time period. The purchase price lists describe the valid price components: prices, discounts, and surcharges. Each can be referenced to individual items, item price classifications, suppliers, or supplier price classifications. The price listing chosen in this field along with the price lists it contains is therefore the basis for determining the amounts in the supplier quotation.
    For more details on purchase prices and price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase prices.
An entry in this field is only effective if the prices for the individual quotation line items are determined using a price list and are not entered manually. For this purpose, Price list or Price list, manual is chosen in the Price origin field in the line items under Prices.

The default price listing is taken from the master data of the relevant partner. It can no longer be changed in this field, as soon as line items have been entered and applied to the line item table.

You can change the price listing for a saved quotation using Action: Change invoicing terms.

The partner usage relevant for the price determination in purchasing is stored in the Partner usage field under “Purchasing”, “Prices” in the “Customizing” application and is dependent on the purchasing organization. The partner usage stored there is applied as a default in the quotation. It can be changed, however.

  • Reference date for price determination – the prices for an item can differ on various dates since price lists have a validity period. This field specifies which price list is used for the price determination on the basis of price list’s validity period. The current date is always provided as the default.
The Price determination date in the supplier data is not provided here. That value is only used internally during price determination.

The value can be changed until line items have been entered and applied to the line item table.

You can change the reference date for the price determination for a saved quotation
using Action: Change invoicing terms.
An entry in this field is only relevant if the prices for the individual quotation line items are calculated using a price list and are not entered manually. For this purpose, Price list or Price list, manual is chosen in the Price origin field for each line item in the line item editor under Prices.

For more details on purchase prices and price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase Prices.

  • Calculation time point – the date and time entered in this field define the time point for which the system searches for valid prices in a price list. If prices have been changed multiple times within a validity period, the entry in this field is use to define the exact time point for the valid price determination. The price list is determined via the date entered in Reference date for price determination.
    The current time is used as the default for the calculation time point. The calculation time point can be changed until line items have been entered and applied to the line item table.
You can change the calculation time point for a saved quotation using Action: Change invoicing terms.
An entry in this field is only effective if the prices for the individual quotation line items are determined using a price list and are not entered manually. For this purpose, Price list or Price list, manual is chosen in the Price origin field in the line items under Prices.

For more details on purchase prices and price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase prices.

  • Payment terms – the payment terms describe terms that are to apply to payment of the invoice. Deadlines and percentages for granting a cash discount can be stored in the payment terms. If the invoice recipient (here, the purchasing organization or its firm) adheres to a specified payment deadline, it can deduct the cash discount percentage stored for this interval from the invoice amount. For more details, see the article Payment terms.
    If applicable, it is applied to the calculation of the cash purchase value in the supplier quotation.
You can change the payment terms for a saved quotation using Action: Change invoicing terms.

The default payment terms are taken from the purchasing RFQ connected with the quotation, if applicable. Otherwise, it is taken from the supplier master data of the invoicing party.
The payment terms are applied to an order connected with the quotation.

  • Fixed value date – the fixed value date entered here is used as the preassigned fixed value date for a generated purchase order. It defines the time point at which the payment term specified in the order header takes effect. The fixed value date in the purchase order is used only for information purposes and has no effect on the system.
  • Discount origin – in this field, choose whether base discounts and ‑surcharges are to be entered manually or taken from a price listing. Up to four discounts and surcharges can be active in addition to any discounts and surcharges already entered for the individual quotation line items. If Price list or Price list, manual is used for discount origin, the discounts and surcharges found by the system are displayed and cannot be changed. If you choose the Price list, manual setting, this affects the default determination as follows: If the system finds corresponding base discounts in the valid price lists, it enters them in the fields. The Price list, manual setting is thereby retained. If the system does not find any corresponding base discounts, it changes the discount origin to Manual, and you can enter base discounts and surcharges manually.
    The discount origin can be changed until line items have been entered and applied to the line item table.
You can change the discount origin at any time using Action: Change invoicing terms.

For more details on purchase prices and price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase prices.

  • Discount 1-4 – discount- or surcharge-type price components can be entered in these input fields. The entry is made depending on the price component type, which was chosen in the second input field on the right in each case. A discount is a price component and acts as a reduction to the agreed price or amount in the price determination. The discount is expressed as a percentage in the quotation header and is normally entered as a positive value.
    A surcharge is a price component and also acts as a surcharge on the agreed price or amount in the price determination. The surcharge is entered as a positive percentage value in the quotation header.
    Discounts and surcharges can also be entered as negative values. In this case, however, they are determined according to their sign. That is, a discount with a negative sign acts as a surcharge, and vice versa.
    Up to four discounts and surcharges can be active in the quotation header in addition to any discounts and surcharges already entered for the individual quotation line items. If required, the discounts and surcharges can be changed, provided the Manual option is indicated as the Discount origin, but only until line items have been entered and applied to the line item table.
    If Price list or Price list, manual is chosen for the discount origin, the discounts and surcharges found by the system are displayed in this field and cannot be changed anymore. If the Price list, manual setting is used and the system has not found any corresponding base rebates, the system changes the discount origin to Manual and you can enter the quotation base discounts and surcharges manually.
If necessary, you can also change the discounts and surcharges using Action: Change invoicing terms.
Note that in addition to the base discounts, it is also possible—depending on the system and the line item data—for multi-line item discounts and order value discounts to occur. Unlike for base discounts, quantity and value scales are also supported for these discounts.

For more details on purchase prices and price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase prices.

  • Partner usage – the partner usage defines the supplier that the system uses as the relevant partner during price determination. This means that the price-relevant information stored for this supplier is taken into consideration during price determination. The supplier specified here is also the source of the price classification, for example.
    For more details on purchase prices and price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase prices.
    Choose one of the following settings:

    • Supplier
    • Invoicing party

The partner usage relevant for price determination in purchasing is stored in the Partner usage field under Purchasing, Prices in the Customizing application and is dependent on the purchasing organization. The partner usage stored there is used as a default in the quotation, but it can be changed as long as no line items have yet been entered and applied to the line item table.

You can change the partner usage for a saved quotation using Action: Change invoicing terms.

Classifications tab

The supplier quotation can be assigned to supplier quotation classifications.

  • Classification 1-5 – the supplier quotation can be assigned to available supplier quotation classifications 1 to 5.Based on the assignments to classifications, data can be organized and structured for all manner of analyses or queries.

Order discounts tab

The calculation basis for the base discounts, the multi-line item discounts, and the order value discounts is shown in a list on this tab. The list also contains the corresponding discounts and the associated discount values.

  • No multi-item discounts – use this check box to control whether multi-line item discounts are calculated for this quotation.
    • Selected: Multi-line item discounts are not considered in the price determination for this quotation.
    • Inactive: Multi-line item discounts are considered, depending on the relevant line item data (such as total quantity, item price hierarchies, and the like) and header data (such as price listing).
  • No order value discounts – use this check box to control whether order value discounts are calculated for this quotation.
    • Selected: Order value-dependent discounts are not included in the price determination for this quotation.
    • Inactive: Order value discounts are considered, depending on the relevant line item and header data.

Order values tab

For overview purposes, amounts and various values of the quotation are compiled and displayed on this tab. They are calculated automatically by the system for the individual quotation line items. The total amounts shown here in the header are always represented as gross prices. All other values, such as weight and volume, as well as any open amounts, are calculated as the sum of the line item values. For kits, only the basic line item level is taken into consideration in this process.

The amounts are displayed, at a minimum, in all internal currencies of the organization selected on the workflow bar. The currency for the amount shown directly in the field depends on your user settings. If this currency differs from the quotation currency or if it is not part of the currency combination of the sales organization, the values are also displayed in the foreign currency. The latter currency is also the foremost currency in all calculations.

If the quotation currency differs from the currency in the price listing, the prices obtained for each line item during price determination will be converted to the quotation currency. In so doing, the converted prices are subject to commercial rounding according to the number of decimal places specified in Customizing.
Kit sub-items are only considered via the respective kit basic line item.

The amounts and values are determined as follows:

  • Total gross amount – the total of the gross amounts of all relevant quotation line items (excluding kit sub-items) is displayed
  • Total net amount – the total of the “relevant line item values after subtracting the line item discounts and before applying the voucher discounts,” minus all voucher discounts is displayed (“gross” price representation). The voucher discounts are thus not taken into account for each line item but rather subtracted collectively and thus shown explicitly. Nevertheless, the voucher discounts are prorated in the net amounts of the line items. In addition, if necessary the voucher end value is subject to handling during the net amount determination (for example, rounding to 5 centimes in Switzerland).
  • Cash purchase value – the cash purchase value is a comparison value for the net amount. It takes into account the cash discount resulting from the percentage indicated in the payment term that is applied in the first payment interval. The further payment intervals or percentages are not considered. To start, the cash discount calculation base is calculated as the total of the relevant line item values:
    Base cash discount calculation base =
    sum(“Line item cash discount calculation base”)
This value is saved internally in the base and in the line item but is not visible in the application.

The cash purchase value of the base is calculated as the net amount of the base, minus the value resulting from applying cash discount 1 to the base cash discount calculation base. The result is subject to voucher end value handling, similar to the net amount (for example, rounding to 5 centimes in Switzerland):
Base cash purchase value =
Voucher end value handling(“Base net amount” –
(“Base cash discount calculation base” *
“Cash discount 1 according to payment term”/100))

  • Cost value – this value is another comparison value containing the procurement costs as well. To start, the procurement costs of the base are calculated as the total of the procurement costs of the relevant line items:
    Base procurement costs =
    sum(“Line item procurement costs”)
This value is saved internally in the base and in the line item but is not visible in the application.

The cost value is then calculated as the total of the cash purchase value and the base procurement costs:
Base cost value =
“Base cash purchase value” +
“Base procurement costs”

This value is not subject to voucher end value handling, because it is used solely for information purposes.
  • Total gross weight, Total net weight, Total volume – for gross weight, net weight, and volume, the respective totals of all quotation line items are calculated and displayed here. For this purpose, weight and volume of the individual items must have been entered in the master data beforehand.

Texts tab

Supplemental texts and text blocks for the overall supplier quotation can be entered on this tab. These are normally used for the voucher output in order to add texts to the voucher documents. If applicable, they are taken from the RFQs and applied to an order connected with the quotation.

If an icon is displayed on the Texts tab, this indicates that texts are available.

For more details, see the articles Texts and Text blocks.

The content language of the supplier is the default language for the text and text blocks of the supplier quotation. This also applies if the delivery partner uses a different content language. You can also enter the texts in other languages by changing the language in the Language field on the toolbar of the tab prior to entering the text.
For the Item text text type, the respective item text is displayed in the Text column. The item text found can be adapted to a line item-related text by changing the text category to Line item text.

Work pane

The work pane contains the supplier quotation line items. These comprise the quoted range of services:

  • Which items were quoted and must be delivered by the supplier (if applicable):
    • Quantity?
    • Price?
    • Date?
  • How should the items be delivered:
    • Terms?
    • From which address?
    • To which receipts warehouse?

The work pane consists of a quotation line item table and a quotation line item editor. The quotation line item table displays a subset of the data of the quotation line items. The selected view determines which data are displayed.

Comarch ERP Enterprise supports bulk entry of line items. In the line item editor, you can use a special keyboard control for voucher applications in order to enter line item data, including multiple line items, using the numeric keypad of your keyboard (use the plus and minus keys instead of the tab key). This is described under Keyboard control in the Operating guidelines.

In this process, some of the fields in the quotation line items are filled with defaults taken from the quotation header. They can be replaced with other data in each quotation line item. Other defaults can be taken from the supplier or item or from another origin.

Total field

A total field is display on the right side of the line item editor header. The total displayed refers to the entire quotation and not the data in the line item editor. This total is the gross amount that is also displayed in the quotation header on the Order values tab and that represents the total of the gross amounts of all relevant quotation line items.


It is possible to use sub-items in supplier quotations in addition to the basic line items. Sub-items are entered or generated as a supplement to existing basic line items and are dependent on these basic line items. If the basic line item is deleted, the sub-items are also deleted. The data of the basic line item are applied in part to sub-items. Some data can only be changed on the level of the basic line item and are applied automatically to the sub-items.

Discounts in kind can only be entered if Manual or Contract is chosen as the price origin in the basic line item.
If required, change the price origin and apply the line item to the line item table in order to activate the change. You can then apply the basic line item to the line item editor again and use the sub-items button to create a sub-item.
Alternatively, you can select the [Accept changes when switching line items] button, change the price origin in the basic line item to Manual, and execute [Validate] so that the button for the [Enter sub-item] action is activated. If you now execute the [Enter sub-item] action, the changes in the main line item will be applied to the line item table and the new sub-item can be edited immediately.

If Price list is chosen as the price origin, discounts in kind in the form of exclusive bonus quantities created in price lists can also be inserted automatically in the order, if applicable. Besides the header data, the main parameters for determining discounts in kind are the item and the total quantity of the basic line item.

In purchase price lists, kit items can also be created as discounts in kind. With a discount in kind of this type, the components of the corresponding kit bill of materials is inserted in the order as the discount in kind.

If the item assigned in the basic line item is a kit item, the components of a kit bill of materials are displayed as sub-items. The components of the kit bill of materials are specified in the application of the same name. For more information, see the article Kit bills of materials.

If the structure category of the kit bill of materials is variable, the sub-items in the order can be changed, deleted, or newly added.

In purchase price lists, a discount in kind can also be created for a kit item. This discount in kind is displayed as a further sub-item for the basic line item.

Quotation line item table

Different views are available in the line item table of the supplier quotation. These provide an overview of all quotation line items.

  • Header:
    Displays the most important information regarding the range of services of the quotation line item.
  • Weights:
    In addition to item and quantity, information such as the net and gross weights of the quotation line item is also displayed.
  • Values:
    In addition to the item, various values and amounts of the price determination are displayed.

Specifically, the following data of the quotation line items are displayed in the table under the specified column headings in the indicated views:

Line item
  • Header

  • Weights

  • Values
The line item number is used for precise identification of the individual supplier quotation line items. The line item number also enables individual line items in different vouchers to be connected via a voucher reference.

The system generates the line item number automatically based on the number range specified in the utilized supplier quotation type. You can also assign the line item number manually in the line item editor. As soon as a line item has been applied to the line item table, the line item number cannot be changed anymore.

See also the description of the Line item field in Line item editor.
Text noteHeaderIf an icon is displayed in the Text note column, this indicates that line item texts are available.
  • Header

  • Weights

  • Values
The item quoted by the supplier is displayed.

See also the description of the Item field under General tab in Line item editor.

The item is edited in the line item editor. As soon as a line item has been saved, the item can no longer be changed in the line item editor either.

The item can still be changed in the line item table before a line item is saved.
Delivery date
  • Header

  • Weights

  • Values
The delivery date designates the time point at which the supplier agrees to deliver the quoted item. You can change the date in this field.

You can change the delivery date in multiple lines in a single step using the [Reschedule delivery date] action in the [Edit delivery dates and status] action list.

See also the description of the Delivery date field under General in Line item editor.
Total quantity
  • Header

  • Weights
The total quantity of the item quoted is displayed.

See also the description of the Total quantity field under General in Line item editor.

You can still change (for example, increase) the total quantity in this field at any time.

once you have saved a line item, you must not change the sign of the quantity anymore (from positive to 0, or vice versa).
Gross priceHeaderThe gross price of the item quoted is displayed.

See also the description of the Gross price field under Prices in Line item editor.

You can change the gross price in this field, if Manual is specified as the price origin. Otherwise, the gross price is displayed only and cannot be changed.
Gross amountHeaderThe gross amount for the quoted quantity of the item is determined and displayed.

See also the description of the Gross amount field under Line item values in Line item editor.

Display only.
Net amountValuesThe net amount for the quoted quantity of the item is determined and displayed.

See also the description of the Net amount field under Line item values in Line item editor.

Display only.
Gross weightWeightsThe gross weight for the quoted quantity of the item is determined and displayed.

See also the description of the Gross weight field under Line item values in Line item editor.

Display only.
Net weightWeightsThe net weight for the quoted quantity of the item is determined and displayed.

See also the description of the Net weight field under Line item values in Line item editor.

Display only.
Cost priceValuesThe cost price of the item quoted is displayed.

See also the description of the Cost price field under Prices in Line item editor.

Display only.
Cost valueValuesThe cost value of the item quoted is displayed.

See also the description of the Cost value field under Line item values tab in Line item editor.

Display only.
  • Header

  • Weights

  • Values
The status information for this quotation line item is displayed.

See also Status and status changes.

Line item editor

Data are displayed in the line item editor on the following tabs:

The tab contents are described in detail below.

Comarch ERP Enterprise supports bulk entry of line items. In the line item editor, you can use a special keyboard control for voucher applications in order to enter line item data, including multiple line items, using the numeric keypad of your keyboard (use the plus key instead of the tab key). This is described under Keyboard control in the Operating guidelines.

If the [Validate when accepting] button is selected, the system checks whether all mandatory fields were entered and whether all entered data are permissible when the quotation line item is applied to the quotation line item table. Otherwise, this check is performed only when the quotation is saved.

The header of the line item editor displays the line item number of the quotation line item currently displayed, newly entered, or undergoing editing in the line item editor.

  • Line item – the line item number is displayed in Line item. It is used for precise identification of the individual supplier quotation line items and is generated automatically. See also the description for this field in Quotation line item table.
    You can assign the line item number in this field manually. As soon as a line item has been applied to the line item table, the line item number cannot be changed anymore.
    The system sorts the line items automatically based on the line item number. The user cannot change this sorting process directly. It can only be influenced by the assigning of line item numbers manually.
While automatic numbering and sorting allows new line items to be inserted, it does not permit line items to be placed between two existing line items. The next consecutive number is always assigned to new line items at the outset, and the new line item is sorted below the other line items.

For this reason, it is useful to specify that the line items are numbered in increments of 5 or 10 within the number range. Then, you can add a line item and manually assign it a line item number that lies between the numbers of existing line items. Result: the new line item is sorted in the list at the desired position between existing line items.

General tab

The basic data of the quotation line item are entered on the General tab: the quoted item, quantities, dates, and receipts warehouse. Also, the status of the quotation line item is shown.

  • Item – one item is entered for each line item. You can use the items that have Released status and those for which the purchase-related data has been created in the Purchasing view on the basis of the purchasing organization. The system checks the item for usability and displays a corresponding message. For more details, see the article Items, Purchasing view.
    The system provides you a selection dialog for reference items. This special feature is described in more detail in Selection dialog for reference item.
If the Purchasing exclusions check box is selected in the item purchasing data, these items cannot be selected here unless they are permissible for the order recipient. Permissible means: the order recipient is assigned as a supplier for the requested item in the purchasing data.

The item can be taken from an RFQ. In so doing, you can choose between [Accept individually] and [Accept in full]. To activate [Accept individually], use the Accept line items using the editor check box (see Supplier quotations: Actions).
If the [Accept individually] option is selected, the line items are entered individually in the line item editor one after the other and can be applied to the quotation with or without changes. A line item can also be skipped or its acceptance can be canceled.
If a line item is taken from an RFQ with the [Accept in full] option, you cannot change the quotation line item anymore in some cases because it has already been saved. This also applies to line items that you have generated using [Find and add line items]. If required, delete the relevant quotation line item and enter a new quotation line item.
If a purchase order is generated from the quotation, the item is applied to the corresponding line item of the order.

  • Total quantity – here, the total quantity designates the quantity of this item that is to be delivered. Choose an appropriate physical or counting unit of measure (such as kilogram or piece), and enter the requested quantity.
    The system checks the quantity unit for permissibility. The following quantity units are permissible:

    • Purchasing units stored for this item in the master data under Purchasing or Supplier
    • All quantity units of the same physical type as the purchasing units, which can be converted into purchasing units

Determination of default:
1. If the quotation was generated from a purchasing recommendation or an RFQ or if line items were taken from other vouchers via the [Insert from] action, the quantity along with the unit is always transferred from the source voucher to the destination voucher.
2. Otherwise, the first purchasing unit assigned to this supplier in the item master data is applied as the default.
3. Otherwise, the first purchasing unit is applied as the default.
The total quantity is used in the calculation of the line item and quotation amounts.
Negative quantities are not permitted in a supplier quotation line item.
Once you have saved a line item, you must not change the sign of the quantity anymore (from positive to 0, or vice versa).
If a purchase order is generated from the quotation, the quantity together with the unit is applied to the relevant line item of the order.

  • Delivery date – the delivery date designates the time point at which the supplier agrees to deliver the quoted items. The value of the preferred date for this line item is applied as the Date. You can change the date. The date can differ for each quotation line item and, thus, can be changed for each line item.
    The Preferred date field is displayed as a date. If the preferred date is entered as a different due date type, such as calendar week, the system will convert the preferred date to a date.
If the preferred date is entered as a calendar week, the first day of the calendar week, for instance, is displayed as the delivery date—provided a rescheduling is not stored in the due date type.

See also the description of the Preferred date field under General tab in Identification pane.
During the quotation comparison, the date displayed here is compared with the preferred date of the connected RFQ, and deviations are highlighted.

  • Status – the status information for this quotation line item is displayed. See also Status and status changes.
  • Preferred date – the preferred date describes the time point at which you or your company expect delivery of the quoted item. The preferred date can differ for each quotation line item and, thus, can be changed for each line item.
    This field is displayed with the due date type that was specified in the master data for the supplier. The preferred date is taken from the quotation header and serves as a default for the delivery date.
    See also the description of the Preferred date field under General tab in Identification pane.
  • Warehouse – in this field, choose a warehouse available in the system to which the quoted item is to be delivered. The default warehouse is taken from the quotation header and can be changed individually for each quotation line item.
    See also the description of the Warehouse field of the quotation header in Delivery recipient tab.
Note that the preassigned value depends on the Default warehouse field.
  • Reference Reference is a field in which you can enter brief texts. Use the field as necessary, for example, to reference a price list or to indicate prior contacts with this supplier, such as telephone calls or previous quotations. If applicable, the default reference is taken from the purchasing RFQ and applied to a purchase order connected with the quotation.
  • RFQ line item – the RFQ line item field contains the voucher reference to a particular purchasing RFQ line item (the RFQ line item number). This voucher reference is only valid in combination with a voucher reference to a purchasing RFQ in the quotation header. This voucher reference to the RFQ line item is normally generated by the system and cannot be changed anymore. A voucher reference to a purchasing RFQ line item can also be entered manually. However, this is only possible when the voucher reference to the purchasing RFQ was already entered in the quotation header beforehand.
Only one RFQ line item per quotation line item can contain a voucher reference
  • Requested item – the originally requested item can be entered in the Requested item field if the supplier offers a different item than the item quoted according to the quotation line item. This field is also used if you have entered an EAN or Supplier’s item number in the Item field—provided the corresponding function is activated in Customizing. The system then automatically moves the number entered there to this field.
    If an order is generated from the quotation, the value of this field is applied to the relevant line item as the Ordered item.
Selection dialog for reference item

If you have entered a reference item using its item number in the quotation line item and then transfer this line item to the line item table, one of the following occurs. Either the system replaces the reference item with one of its variant items automatically or, alternatively, a dialog window is displayed in which you can select one of the variant items associated with the reference item.

For a detailed description of this action, see the article Action: Select variant item for reference item.

You can also use the item number of a variant item to assign it directly in the quotation line item, if required.

For the price determination, the system uses the price information stored for the variant item. If no price information is stored for the variant item, the price information of the reference item is used. If no price is found for the reference item either, the system changes the price origin over to manual, if necessary.

Delivery recipient tab

The Delivery recipient tab contains information regarding the site (inventory logistics organization).

  • Delivery term – delivery terms describe agreements between the buyer and seller. Here, the type of delivery and the place of delivery, for example, free domicile or pickup, is specified, if applicable. If an INCO term is included as a delivery term, you must specify a location reference.
    For more information on INCO terms, see the article Delivery terms.
    The delivery term is taken from the supplier quotation header. You can replace this default individually for each quotation line item. To do so, choose another delivery term.
    If an order is generated from the quotation, the delivery term is applied to the corresponding line item of the order.
  • Shipping terms – shipping terms describe the manner in which the items are transported, for example, via freight forwarder, courier, or mail. The shipping terms are taken from the supplier quotation header. You can replace this default individually for each quotation line item. To do so, choose other shipping terms.
    For more information about shipping terms, see the article Shipping terms.
    If an order is generated from the quotation, the delivery term is applied to the corresponding line item of the order.
  • Delivery recipient – the delivery recipient receives the delivery of the ordered items. The delivery recipient is the site of the warehouse to which the delivery is to be made. It is explicitly identified and displayed in this field via its partner number.
  • Name and Address – the system fills in the Name and Address fields automatically. These data come from the partner master data of the delivery recipient and cannot be edited in this field. If applicable, the delivery recipient is taken from the RFQ connected with the quotation and transferred to an order connected with the quotation.
  • Care of – a contact person for the delivery recipient can be selected, changed, or entered as desired in Care of. In this case, a default purchasing contact person from the partner master data of the delivery recipient is displayed, if applicable.
    For more details on the functionality of this field and possible procedures, see the article “Care of” field.
  • Carrier – the carrier is responsible for shipping goods. It authorizes a company to transport the goods (shipping company) or transports the goods itself.
    The default carrier is taken from the quotation header and can be changed in this field for each quotation line item.
    If an order is generated from the quotation, the carrier is applied to the corresponding line item of the order.
    For information on the permissible entries, see the description of the field under Delivery recipient tab in Identification pane.
  • Inventory owner – the inventory owner is the legal owner of a warehouse inventory. It indicates to whom the goods are supposed to belong for receipts posting.
    The value results from the Purchasing organization firm or the Delivery recipient firm (site of warehouse), depending on the setting for the inventory owner origin in the header.
Inter-company billing occurs only if the Delivery recipient firm is specified here and the purchasing organization firm differs from that of the site (delivery recipient).

The inventory owner cannot be entered directly.

  • Preassigned warehouse – this field specifies whether or not, or under what conditions, the warehouse is to be preassigned. Possible values are:
    • Always use default
    • Insert defaults if empty
    • No default
    • Use fixed main line item (for sub-items only)

For more details, see the article Supplier quotation types.

Delivery partner tab

The Delivery partner tab contains data of the partner involved in delivery.

  • Delivery partner – the delivery partner takes responsibility for the delivery or shipment of ordered items. For each quotation line item, you can choose another delivery partner, provided it has been assigned to the supplier and is, thus, permissible.
    For more information on the delivery partner, see Delivery partner tab of the quotation header.
  • Name and Address – the name and address of the delivery partner entered in the partner master data are applied to these fields. The data can be changed for this quotation.
Data changed in these fields are saved in the quotation but not in the partner master data.
  • Care of – a contact person for the delivery partner can be selected, changed, or entered as desired in Care of. For more details on the functionality of this field and possible procedures, see the article Care of” field.
    The contact person can be changed individually for each quotation line item.
    If an order is generated from the quotation, the contact person is applied to the corresponding line item of the order.
Prices tab

The Prices tab contains all data for calculating the prices and amounts for the quotation line item.

  • Gross price – the price is the equivalent value in money that must be paid for one unit of the item ordered. If Price list or Price list, manual is entered as the price origin, the price is determined from the corresponding source. The price cannot be changed anymore, unless you change the price origin to Manual.
If the quotation currency differs from the currency in the price listing, the prices obtained during price determination will be converted to the quotation currency. In this case, the converted prices in each line item are subject to commercial rounding.

For more details on automatic price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase prices.
If Manual is chosen as the price origin, the price can be entered manually and changed until the entire quotation is complete. It is also possible to change the price if the receipt of goods and supplier invoice line items have already be assigned.
If an order line item is generated from the quotation line item, the price in the purchase order is taken from the quotation.
The associated currency is taken from the supplier quotation header and cannot be changed.

  • Price dimension – the price dimension defines the number of units to which a price applies. Definitions are expressed in powers of ten, so that a price may be for 1, 10, or 100 units, for example. If Price list or Price list, manual is entered as the price origin, the price dimension is determined from a price list and displayed in this field. It cannot be changed anymore, unless the price origin is changed to Manual.
    If Manual is selected as the price origin, the price dimension along with the price unit can be entered manually. If the price is entered manually, the system displays the price dimension stored in the purchasing data of the item as the default.
    You can choose another price dimension, provided it is permissible. The price dimension can be changed up until the time the entire quotation is complete.
  • Price origin – the price origin defines the location from which the system expects the data for the price determination in the purchase order. Possible values are:
    • Price list
    • Price list, manual
    • Manual

The price origin categories Price list, Manual, and Price list, manual are taken from the quotation type. You can manually change the price origin for any quotation line item individually at any time to any of these three price origin categories.
If Price list is selected as the price origin, the price as well as additional price components are identified and taken from a price list.

If you have chosen Price list in this field, it is possible that the system will not determine a price because it cannot find any matching entries in the price lists considered.

If Price list, manual is selected as the price origin, the system automatically switches the price origin to Manual if the system is unable to find a price in the price lists.
If Manual is selected as the price origin, the price dimension along with the price unit can be entered manually.
For details on price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase prices.
If the Price list setting was chosen, the determined price cannot be changed unless the price origin is changed from Price list to Manual again.

  • Discount 1-4 – in addition to the base discounts, you can also enter your own discounts for each line item.
    A discount is a price component and acts as a reduction to the agreed price or amount in calculations. The line item discount is expressed as a percentage, an absolute amount, or an absolute quantity, that is, as a discount in kind in the form of an inclusive bonus quantity. Normally, it is entered as a positive value. A surcharge is a price component and acts as such on the agreed price or amount in calculations. The surcharge is entered as a positive percentage value or an absolute amount.
    Discounts and surcharges can also be entered as negative values. In this case, however, they are determined according to their sign. That is, a discount with a negative sign then acts as a surcharge.
    If Manual is selected as the price origin, you can enter discount- or surcharge-type price components for each quotation line item individually in these input fields. The input depends on the price component type chosen in the second input field on the right in each case. If Price list or Price list, manual is chosen as the price origin, the discounts and surcharges are displayed in this field only and cannot be changed.
    The discounts and surcharges are taken into consideration when determining prices and amounts and when calculating the purchase price and the purchase value.
    For more details on purchase prices and price determination, see the article Introduction: Purchase prices.
  • Procurement costs 1-2 (in %) and Procurement costs 3-4 – percentage procurement costs are procurement-related price components that raise the list price for an item by a percentage.
    Absolute procurement costs are costs incurred for procurement of a particular quantity of an item. That is, they refer to the total line item quantity. Packaging costs, in particular, are one possible example.
    You have the option of entering two percentage procurement costs and two absolute procurement costs per quotation line item. The procurement costs are taken into account when calculating the cost price and the cost value.
    The default value for Procurement costs 1 and Procurement costs 3 is the value specified in the purchasing data of the item for the supplier, if applicable. Procurement costs 2 and Procurement costs 4 are particular to the quotation and act additionally.
  • No base discounts – in No base discounts, you can choose whether or not base discounts and surcharges are to be used for determining the net amount.
    If you have selected No base discounts, any additional discounts or surcharges displayed on the Invoicing terms tab in the identification pane will be ignored for this quotation line item.
  • Net price – the net price is the item price, minus all discounts and plus all surcharges relevant to the line item. Cash discounts and procurement costs are not considered for this. The system calculates the net price and displays the result here.
    The net price is always determined in the Gross price representation.
    The value is always rounded according to the decimal place setting for prices in Customizing. It is always based on the price unit and price dimension of the line item.
For kits, additional special features apply to the non-price-relevant level.
  • Cost price – the cost price is the price determined for a quotation line item reflecting the item price, discounts, and surcharges, that is then reduced by the amount of the cash discount and increased by the amount of the prorated procurement costs.
    The system calculates the cost price and displays the result here. The cost value is the basis for the calculation (see Line item values tab):
    Cost price = cost value / total quantity
    The value is always rounded according to the decimal place setting for prices in Customizing. It is always based on the price unit and price dimension of the line item.
Account assignment tab

Information for the cost accounting is entered here. Cost accounting is used to apportion costs to their sources, cost centers and cost units. As a result, it is possible to track which areas of the company incurred which costs for which products.

  • Cost center – cost centers are functional areas of the company that form a physical and/or organizational unit, such as divisions, departments, and the like. They define the location where the costs originated: “Where were the costs incurred?”
    Select the cost center of the division or department for which the item is to be purchased. The default is generated from the relevant master data, such as the item, or from the associated purchasing RFQ.
    The cost center is applied as a default in downstream vouchers to the point of the inventory posting. It can then be used for various analyses as part of cost accounting.
  • Cost unit – cost units are produced items or activities (such as projects). Cost units define the reason the costs originated: “For what purpose did the costs originate?”
    Select an appropriate cost unit here, such as an item, an item classification, or a project. The default is generated from the relevant master data, such as the item, or from the associated purchasing RFQ.
    The cost unit is applied as a default to the downstream vouchers to the point of the inventory posting. It can then be used for various analyses as part of cost accounting.
Line item values tab

For overview purposes all values, as well as weight and volume, for this quotation line item are compiled and displayed here.

The amounts are displayed, at a minimum, in all internal currencies of the organization selected on the workflow bar. The currency for the amount shown directly in the field depends on your user settings. If this currency differs from the quotation currency or if it is not part of the currency combination of the purchasing organization, the values are also displayed in the foreign currency. The latter currency is also the foremost currency in all calculations.

If the quotation currency differs from the currency in the price listing, the prices obtained for each line item during price determination will be converted to the quotation currency. In so doing, the converted prices are subject to commercial rounding according to the number of decimal places specified in Customizing.

The amounts and values are determined as follows:

  • Total gross amount – the gross amount of this quotation line item is determined and displayed. The gross amount is calculated from the specified or determined price per item * quantity, taking into account the price unit and price dimension.
    Gross amount = gross price * quantity
    The special features described in Special features for kit items apply when determining amounts for kit items from kit bills of materials.
  • Total net amount – the net amount of this quotation line item is determined and displayed.
    The net amount is calculated from the specified or determined price per item * ordered quantity, minus any specified or determined discounts and surcharges and taking into account the price unit and price dimension.
    The special features described in Special features for kit items apply when determining amounts for kit items from kit bills of materials.
  • Cash purchase value – the cash purchase value is a comparison value for the net amount. It takes into account the cash discount resulting from the percentage indicated in the payment term that is applied in the first payment interval. The further payment intervals or percentages are not considered.
    To start, a cash discount calculation base is calculated. This is calculated from the gross amount of the line item, minus all discounts for which the Cash discount flag is activated in the associated purchase price component type:
    Line item cash discount calculation base = Gross amount of line item – Line item discount activated with cash discount – Voucher discount activated with cash discount
This value is saved internally in the base and in the line item but is not visible in the application.

The cash purchase value of the line item is calculated from the net amount of the line item, minus the value resulting from application of cash discount 1 to the line item cash discount calculation base:
Line item cash purchase value = Line item net amount –  (Line item cash discount calculation base * Cash discount 1 according to payment term/100)

  • Cost value – this value is another comparison value containing the procurement costs as well. To start, the procurement costs of the line item are determined; the percentage procurement costs are thereby applied to the cash purchase value of the line item:
    Line item procurement costs = (Line item cash purchase value * Procurement costs 1/100) + (Line item cash purchase value * Procurement costs 2″/100) + Procurement costs 3 + Procurement costs 4
This value is saved internally in the base and in the line item but is not visible in the application.

The cost value of the line item is then calculated as the total of the cash purchase value and the procurement costs of the line item:
Line item cost value = Line item cash purchase value + Line item procurement costs

  • Component valuation – the Component valuation is used to allocate the kit price to the kit sub-items, provided the basic line item is price-relevant. For each sub-item, the Component valuation is determined as a value relative to the total quantity. It can also be changed manually in some cases. The Component valuation of the basic line item is equal to the total Component valuation of its sub-items.
    The price used by the system as the basis for the Component valuation is stored in the Customizing application for the purchasing organization.
    Possible prices are billing prices 1 to 5 as well as the inventory count price, which are stored in the item master data in the Financials view for the purchasing organization firm. The system uses the respective valuation price that is stored on the Inventory data tab. If the price being searched for is not specified there, the price from the item data without inventory reference is used. This price is found under Valuation prices on the General tab.
    Alternatively, the following two values calculated by the system can also be used: the last cost price or the moving average price. The inventory count price can also have been calculated by the system for an inventory count or it can be entered manually.
    The following special feature applies if Inventory count price, Last cost price, or Moving average price is selected as the valuation price in Customizing: if this price is zero at the time the line item is entered, billing price 1 is applied instead.
    You can still change the Component valuation, if required. The currency is always the primary currency of the internal currencies of the purchasing organization. It cannot be changed.
  • Total gross weightTotal net weight, and Total volume – if the total quantity for the quotation line items was entered in a mass-type unit of measure or the unit of measure used can be converted to a mass-type unit, the system then determines the weights and displays them in these fields. The also applies to volume.
    Otherwise, the weights and the volume for the quotation line item in these fields are determined based on the weights and volume entered in the item master data or, for items managed with identifiers, based on the weights and volume entered in the identifier master data. The standard system unit of the corresponding type is always displayed as the unit of measure.

Special features for kit items

There are two options for determining the amounts for the kit item or for the individual kit components:

  • The kit item itself, thus the kit as a whole, is price-relevant:

In this case, the total amount for the kit item is allocated to the kit components by means of calculation using the Component valuation. This price information is then saved and available for subsequent use, for instance for statistical analyses.

This process can produce rounding differences because the amounts and prices are rounded to the number of decimal places stored for them, respectively. Any resulting rounding differences are included in the kit component with the highest cost of goods.

  • The individual kit components determine the price:

In this case, the amounts per sub-item are determined and then totaled as the amount for the kit item. The price of the basic line item is then calculated from this amount and the total quantity.

Texts tab

Supplemental texts and text blocks for the individual quotation line items can be entered on this tab. These are normally used for the voucher output in order to add texts to the voucher documents. They are applied to an order connected with the quotation, if applicable.

If an icon is displayed on the Texts tab, this indicates that texts are available.

For more details, see the article Texts and Text blocks.

The content language of the supplier is the default language for the text and text blocks of the supplier quotation. This also applies even if the delivery recipient uses a different content language. You can also enter the texts in other languages by changing the language in the Language field on the toolbar of the tab prior to entering the text.

Status and status changes

The status information of the supplier quotation forms an additional separate information element. You can use this information to quickly survey the current processing status of the supplier quotation. The status information is stored in the system. Exception: the period status, which are compared with the current date at the time point of the display, and displayed only.

Status is managed both on the level of the overall supplier quotation as well as for the individual quotation line items. The status of the quotation header thereby summarizes the status of the individual line items.

Possible status

The supplier quotation uses the following statuses:

  • General status (can be changed manually in some cases)
  • Order status (automatically determined)
  • Binding period status (automatically determined)

The quotation line items have a separate general status and order status, which may deviate from the header, if necessary. The general status describes the usability of supplier quotations in the system. The order status indicates whether purchase orders are connected with the quotation via a voucher reference. The binding period status indicates whether the binding period has expired in the meantime.

The supplier quotations and quotation line items can exhibit the statuses listed in the table.

General statusOrder statusBinding period status
  • In process

  • Released

  • Blocked

  • Invalid
    (quotation header only)

  • Completed
  • Not ordered

  • Ordered in part

  • Ordered in full
  • Binding period exceeded

General status

In the quotation type used, it is possible to select whether new quotations are generated with In process or Released status. In quotations with In process status, actions such as generating an order from the quotation cannot be performed. However, the quotation data can continue to be edited and saved.

You can release a supplier quotation as a whole or as individual supplier quotation line items. Once released, a quotation cannot be assigned the status In process anymore. Such a quotation can only be blocked, if required. In the Purchase orders application, purchase orders can only be generated from released supplier quotations.

In addition, you can block a supplier quotation as a whole or individual supplier quotation line items. If a whole supplier quotation is blocked, all line items are also blocked. While new line items can be added, they are also blocked. In blocked supplier quotations, actions such as generating an order from the quotation cannot be performed. However, the quotation data can continue to be edited and saved.

Actions are also not possible for individually blocked line items. However, the supplier quotation can continue to be edited, if necessary. The blocked line items contained therein are excluded from the editing.

A quotation line item can be completed manually. A completed line item that has not yet been called-off in full can be released again manually.

Order status

The system determines the order status automatically. Therefore, you cannot change the status manually. The order status indicates whether purchase orders are connected with the supplier quotation, for example, because the purchase orders were created from the quotation.

This only happens if the supplier quotation and the purchase order are connected via a voucher reference. The system generates a voucher reference automatically if new purchase orders are generated using the [Generate from quotation] action or in the Compare supplier quotations application.

The detailed meaning of the individual order statuses is as follows:

Not orderedQuotation headerAll line items have the order status Not ordered.
Quotation line itemsAn order line item is not connected with this quotation line item via a voucher reference.
Ordered in partQuotation headerAt least one line item has the order status Ordered in part or Ordered in full, but not all line items have the status Ordered in full.
Quotation line itemsAt least one order line item is connected with this quotation line item via a voucher reference. However, the quantity quoted in this line item is not yet complete or has been assigned to multiple purchase order line items.
Ordered in fullQuotation headerAll line items have the order status Ordered in full. All line items are therefore assigned the total quoted quantity of sales orders.
Quotation line itemsThe quantity ordered in this quotation line item is assigned in full to one or more purchase order line items, and is thus fulfilled.

If the order status of a line item is Ordered in full, the general status of this line item changes automatically to Completed. When all line items have the general status Completed, the general status of the header is set to Completed (exception: the quotation header is invalid).

Binding period status

The binding period status Binding period exceeded is not saved. It is determined by comparing the entry in the second part of the Validity period field with the current date when the supplier quotation is opened. This status is displayed only.


Unless otherwise specified, the data in the Customizing application are read based on the purchasing organization of the supplier quotation.

The following settings of the Base function in the Customizing application are relevant to the Supplier quotations application.

  • Internal currency 1-3 – one of up to three internal currencies is designated as the primary currency.
    In supplier quotations, several fields for prices and amounts can contain a currency, which is normally taken from the master data of the supplier. It must be possible to convert the currency into any of the internal currencies.
    The corresponding conversion factors are entered in the Exchange rates application.

The following settings of the Purchasing function in the Customizing application are relevant to the Supplier quotations application.

  • Exchange rate usage and Exchange rate category – these settings control the conversion of other currencies into your company’s primary currency for purchasing vouchers.
  • Component valuation price – this setting is used only for kit components. It is used to determine a valuation for each component. The component values are totaled at the levels of the kit basic line items.
    If the kit basic line item is price-relevant, then the kit price is distributed proportionally to the components based on this valuation.
  • Warehouse – if no warehouse was entered in upstream vouchers, the delivery partner, or the supplier quotation type and thus no default warehouse is available to be applied to the quotation header, the receipts warehouse entered here is used as the default.
    For this reason, select a warehouse entered in the system to which ordered items are normally delivered.
Note that the warehouse of the line items can also result from the item.
  • Display next packaging unit – if this check box is selected, the Supplier quotations application informs you of the next larger packaging unit for the item, based on the specified unit of measure, for each quotation line item.
  • Sub-function: Prices – the Partner usage, Multi-line item discounts, and Order value discounts settings in the Prices function influence the calculation of prices and amounts in the purchasing process.
    If the Display next scale check box is selected, the Sales orders application determines the next scale for the price determination. This results in a price change, which is displayed in the Next scale field in the line item table.

Business entity

The following business entity is relevant to the Supplier quotations application. It is used, for example, to perform one of the following:

  • Assign authorizations
  • Set up activity definitions
  • Import or export data

Supplier quotation:

The business entity is part of the following business entity group:


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. The authorization concept is described in the technical article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

The Supplier quotations application has no special capabilities.

Organizational assignments

Organizational structures are used to control which data can be viewed, used, or edited. The Content-based authorizations function must be activated in the Customizing application for this purpose.

To enable a person to see and open the Supplier quotations application in the user menu, this person must be assigned to an organization that is integrated into one of the following organizational structures:

  • Purchasing

To enable a person to open a supplier quotation or process the data contained therein, one of its assigned organizations must be entered in the Authorizations table in the Supplier quotation types application.

For more information on the Authorizations table and a comprehensive overview of content-related authorizations, see the article Content-belated authorizations.

Special features

The Supplier quotations application has no special features.

Authorizations for business partners

The Supplier quotations application is released for Supplier-type business partners.

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