Transaction code assignment

Topic overview

Postings from different origins (e.g. outgoing and incoming invoices from ERP, transactions from asset accounting, inventory postings, etc.) can be transferred to financial accounting and controlling via interfaces. The transaction codes to be used are determined via the transaction code assignment for financial ac- counting or for controlling.

This document describes the Transaction code assignment application.

The procedures for the application Transaction code assignment correspond to the general procedures for table applications, which you can find in the documentation General Procedures for Table Applications.

Application description

In this application you can enter a new transaction code assignment or edit an existing one. Depending on whether you assign transaction codes for transfer to financial accounting or transfer to controlling, this can be done at different levels. Use the menu bar of the application to select the accounting area for which you want to enter the transaction code assignment.

When selecting Financial accounting, a separate transaction code can be assigned for each origin, area of validity, posting process and for invoices from the ERP, depending on the type of outgoing or incoming invoice.

In the Controlling selection, a separate transaction code can be assigned for each origin and transaction type.

The application Transaction code assignment consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Query pane

If necessary, you can enter search criteria in the query pane and then use the Update action to search for the data from the system and display it in the work pane.

The fields in detail:

Origin In this field, select the origin as a search feature for
the transaction code assignment that is to be displayed or edited in the work pane. Possible selection values are:
• (All)
• Financial accounting
• Asset accounting
• Manual posting in controlling
• Manual budgeting in controlling
• Secondary costs in controlling
• Generate planned data in controlling
• Manual posting in financial accounting
• Payment run
• Bank statement
• Manual posting in asset accounting
• Purchase order
• Recurring posting
• Secondary costs in financial accounting
• Generate planned data in financial accounting
• Customer invoice
• Sales order
• Supplier invoice
• Production
• Inventory posting
• Manual budgeting in financial accounting
• External system
• Wage
• Data collection
• Interest calculation
• Recurring posting in controlling
• Currency revaluation migration
• Travel costs
• Cash sheet
• Summary
• Projects
• Time recording
• Production
• Opening postings
• Payment instruments clearing
• Purchase order
• Recurring posting
• Secondary costs in financial accounting
• Generate planned data in financial accounting
• Customer invoice
• Sales order
• Supplier invoice
• Production
• Inventory posting
• Manual budgeting in financial accounting
• External system
• Wage
• Data collection
• Interest calculation
• Recurring posting in controlling
• Currency revaluation
• Migration
• Travel costs
• Cash sheet
• Summary
• Projects
• Time recording
• Production
• Opening postings
• Payment instruments clearing
• Payment request
• and other

Work pane

Enter a new transaction code assignment or edit an existing one in the application’s work pane. Depending on the accounting area selected (financial ac- counting or controlling), transaction codes can be assigned the following set- tings in addition to their origin.

Field Explanation
OriginHere you select the origin of the data that are
transferred to financial accounting or controlling via
the interface. The following origin can be selected:
• Financial accounting
• Asset accounting
• Manual posting in controlling
• Manual budgeting in controlling
• Secondary costs in controlling
• Generate planned data in controlling
• Manual posting in financial accounting
• Payment run
• Bank statement
• Manual posting in asset accounting
• Purchase order
• Recurring posting
• Secondary costs in financial accounting
• Generate planned data in financial accounting
• Customer invoice
• Sales order
• Supplier invoice
• Production
• Inventory posting
• Manual budgeting in financial accounting
• External system
• Wage
• Data collection
• Interest calculation
• Recurring posting in controlling
• Currency revaluation
• Migration
• Travel costs
• Cash sheet
• Summary
• Projects
• Time recording
• Production
• Opening postings
• Payment instruments clearing
• Payment request
• and other
“Financial accounting” view
Area of validity You can assign the transaction code to a group of
accounts using the area of validity. The following
settings can be selected:
• Debtor
• Creditor
• Object account
Transaction code typeThis selection classifies the type of postings. The
following settings can be selected:
• Opening balances
• General ledger postings
• OI clearing
• Invoice
• Collective account transfer postings
• Payment
• Credit advice
• OI split
• OI changes
• G/L-clearing
• Down payment requests
• Currency difference posting
• Down payment request clearing
Customer invoice typeIn this field you can select the type of outgoing invoice for which the assigned transaction code
should be used.
Supplier invoice type In this field you can select the type of incoming invoice for which the assigned transaction code
should used.
Prepayment request typeIn this field you can specify for which type of down
payment request the assigned transaction code
should be used.
Transaction code In this field you assign the transaction code to be
used for posting the transaction data in financial
accounting. Transaction codes determine what type
of posting it is, e.g. invoice, credit memo, shadow
posting, etc. At the same time, the transaction code
controls the pre-setting of the posting fields and
their controls.
Ignore warnings You use this indicator to control how warnings are
to be handled when the interface is posted. This indicator is used for pre-allocation when calling up
the “Adopt and post” action from the “Cockpit:
Posting runs financial accounting” application.
Ignore posting authorization You can use this indicator to control whether a data
object (for example, object account) can be processed via the interface for which there is no posting
"Controlling" view
Transaction type Each transaction code in controlling must be assigned to a transaction type. Based on the transaction type, the general type of the posting is set.
This defines, whether values, quantities, ratios or
prices can be edited in the posting dialogue.
The following settings are available:
• Value
• Quantity
• Ratio
• Price
Transaction codeIn this field you assign the transaction code to be
used for the posting. Transaction codes determine
what type of posting it is, e.g. values with a simple
posting, value with an offsetting posting, etc. At the
same time, the transaction code controls the presetting of the posting fields and the checking of the


No settings need to be made for the Transaction code assignment application in the Customizing application.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Transaction code assignment application that you use, for instance, for:

  • Assign authorizations
  • Set up activity definitions
  • Import or export data

Transaction code assignment

The business entity is part of the following business entity group:


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. More about the authorization concept can be found in the technical document Authorizations.

Special capabilities

The Transaction code assignment application has no special capabilities.

Organizational assignments

If the Content-based authorizations function is activated in the Customizing application, a person can only use the Transaction code assignment applica- tion if an organization that is linked to at least one of the following organiza- tional structures has been assigned to him or her in the partner master data:

  • Financial accounting

Special features

There are no special features for the Transaction code assignment application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Transaction code assignment application is not released for business partners.

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