VAT register entry types

VAT register entry types are assigned to invoice categories under VAT register entry type assignment application and are used to assign a number to VAT register entry to increase its identification precision.

VAT register entry types application view

Query pane

Type – enter the type of created VAT entries in this field. It can be composed of three letters or three digits. This type is used in VAT register entry type assignment and  Customizing:VAT registries applications to assign a number for the created VAT register entry.

Description – enter a description for the created VAT register entry type in this field.

Number range – select a number range for VAT register entries in this field. Number ranges can be selected from among the ranges with assigned type VAT register entry under Number ranges application. Created VAT register entry types receive automatically a number from the selected number range.

Category – select a VAT register entry category in this field. The available list of categories is predefined and not editable. The selected category affects entries in VAT register entries application as follows:

  • it determines the availability of actions in the subtab Goods and services groups
  • it determines mandatory fields
  • it determines the tax code type that can be assigned to a VAT register entry
VAT register entry category selection list

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