Warehouse aisles

Topic overview

This article describes how the warehouse aisles are displayed in the system and how the application of the same name is structured. The article also lists the relationship between a warehouse aisle and other applications and business entities and how it is connected with the business processes.

Instructions for handling warehouse aisles, for instance how to compile lines in storage rows, have been provided in the article Procedures: Warehouse aisles.

Definitions of terms

Warehouse aisles

Warehouse aisles are a grouping of rows of a warehouse zone that can be accessed from the same physical area. Warehouse aisles play an important role in the sort order of storage locations for put-away and withdrawal.

Warehouse organization

Warehouse organization determines the structure of a warehouse or warehouse zone. Using warehouse organization, warehouse structures such as simple warehouses, high rack storage areas, and bulk storage can be mapped.

Warehouse zones

If storage location control is activated in the Customizing application, a warehouse can be subdivided into warehouse zones. A warehouse can have any number of warehouse zones.

Application description

If the Storage location control is activated in the Customizing application, then warehouses and storage locations can be sub-divided. The warehouse organization determines the structure of the warehouse zone. If the warehouse organization provides the utilization of rows, then they can be compiled in the aisles. A warehouse aisle comprises of rows that can be operated from the same city.

The Warehouse aisles application is used for compiling of rows in warehouse aisles. It consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Query pane

Enter the warehouse zone in the query pane whose rows you want to compile in the aisles.

The field contents are described in detail below.

  • Warehouse – in this field, enter the warehouse in which the rows that you want to compile in the aisles are present. If the warehouse organization of the warehouse does not provide sub-division into storage locations, then an error message is outputted. First enter the warehouses in the Warehouses application.
  • Warehouse zone – enter the warehouse zone in this field whose rows you want to compile in the aisles.If the warehouse organization of the warehouse zone does not provide the utilization of rows, then an error message is outputted. First enter the warehouse zones in the Warehouses application.

Work pane

The rows of the warehouse zone entered in the query pane are displayed in the work pane. By entering an identification in the Aisle field, you can assign the row to a storage aisle.

The field contents are described in detail below.

  • Row – this field displays the unique identification of all rows in the warehouse zone.The rows result from the already generated or created storage locations for the warehouse zone. You can generate storage locations with the Generate storage locations application. You cannot modify the value in this field.
  • Aisle – in this field, an assignment of the row to a warehouse aisle is displayed.To assign the row to a warehouse aisle, enter the identification of the warehouse aisle. The identification can comprise of a maximum of three numbers, letters or a number-letter combination. It can be chosen as desired by the user.
    Since the aisles are not any independent business objects, the warehouse aisle need not be entered in advance. For the same reason, there are no value assistants in this field either.


To make sure that the Warehouse aisles application is visible in Comarch ERP Enterprise, the Storage location control should be activated in the Customizing application.

The following field is relevant for the Warehouse aisles application in Customizing under the Storage location control grouping:

  • Warehouse aisles (check box) – if you have activated this check box, then you can compile the rows in warehouse aisles.


Comarch ERP Enterprise works with a multi-tier authorization concept. Capabilities and authorizations can generally be assigned at different levels:

  • at the levels for frameworks and applications, you assign an authorization that allows an application to be opened, for instance.
  • at the business entities level, for example, you allocate an authorization that enables a storage aisle to be created. The entity-based authorizations are applicable across applications.

Special capabilities that refer to particular actions and functions have been developed for certain applications. Authorizations can also be assigned for these capabilities.

For more information on the authorization concept and the general application-based and entity-based authorizations, see the Authorizations article.

The following business entity is relevant for authorization specifications for the Warehouse aisles application:


Special authorizations and capabilities are not required for this application.

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