Warehouse areas

Topic overview

For processing of, e.g., picking orders, you can use freely defined warehouse areas throughout the warehouse structure in inventory orders. Warehouse areas can be assigned to individual employees. When generating inventory orders, you can apply grouping according to warehouse areas in order to create, for example, separate inventory orders for a warehouse area that can be processed by the employee responsible for the warehouse area.

This article describes how warehouse areas are mapped in the system and how the application of the same name is structured. You will also learn about the relationship between a warehouse area and other applications and business entities and how it is connected with the business processes.

For instructions on working with warehouse areas, e.g., how you can assign locations to a warehouse area, see the documentation Procedures: Warehouse areas.

Definitions of terms

Warehouse area
A warehouse zone comprises any number of zones, rows, levels, or storage slots of a warehouse. A warehouse area can be assigned to an employee.

Warehouse zones
If storage location control is activated in the Customizing application, a warehouse can be subdivided into warehouse zones. A warehouse can have any number of warehouse zones.

Storage location
A storage location is the exact point in a warehouse where items can be stored. A storage location within a warehouse always lies in a warehouse zone and is determined precisely on the basis of a row, a level, and a storage location number. Each storage location has a storage location category that establishes the use of the storage location. The availability of storage locations is essential for storage location control.

A storage slot is a subunit of a storage location. It is the smallest component of a warehouse. A storage slot can accept exactly one storage unit. The number of storage slots is the maximum number of storage units allowed for the storage location.

Application description

With the Warehouse areas application, you can create or edit warehouse areas and assign zones, rows and locations to the areas.

The Warehouse areas application consists of an identification pane and a work pane.

Identification pane

The identification pane contains the fields that uniquely identify the warehouse area as well as the assigned employee.

Detailed description of fields:

Warehouse – enter the warehouse for which you want to create a warehouse area. You can create warehouse areas for a warehouse only if it is sub-divided into warehouse zones. First, enter the warehouses in the Warehouses application.

Warehouse area – the Warehouse area field contains the identification of a warehouse area. The identification of a warehouse area is unique within an OLTP database. It can consist of any user-defined text. The identification can be edited only until it is saved.

Description – the description serves as an additional distinguishing characteristic. It can consist of any user-defined text. Enter a meaningful description that is as unique as possible to facilitate searches for it.

Employees – if required, enter an employee who is responsible for the warehouse area. If an inventory order is generated for a warehouse area, the employee is transferred as the employee responsible for the inventory order.

Work pane

The work pane contains a table in which you can create or edit warehouse zones, rows, levels and locations that are covered by the warehouse area.

Detailed description of columns:

Warehouse zone – enter an existing warehouse zone for the warehouse in which the warehouse area is included. If the warehouse organization of the zone does not allow for it, you can enter the rows, levels, and locations in the following columns. If you do not enter any warehouse zone, the details entered in the following columns apply for all zones.

From row – enter the row from which the section of the warehouse area should begin that is created in this table line. If you leave this field empty, the section of the warehouse area that is created in this table line begins from the first row of the warehouse zone.

To row – enter the row to which the section of the warehouse area should reach that is created in this table line. If you leave this field empty, the section of the warehouse area that is created in this table line will reach to the last row of the warehouse zone.

From level – enter the level from which the section of the warehouse area should begin that is created in this table line. If you leave this field empty, the section of the warehouse area that is created in this table line begins from the first level of the warehouse zone.

To level – enter the level to which the section of the warehouse area should reach that is created in this table line. If you leave this field empty, the section of the warehouse area that is created in this table line will reach to the last level of the warehouse zone.

From location – enter the location from which the section of the warehouse area should begin that is created in this table line. If you leave this field empty, the section of the warehouse area that is created in this table line begins from the first location of the warehouse zone.

To location – enter the location to which the section of the warehouse area should reach that is created in this table line. If you leave this field empty, the section of the warehouse area that is created in this table line will reach to the last location of the warehouse zone.

Table Voucher document templates

You can enter specific settings for voucher document output in the Voucher document templates table for the Inventory order, Put-away label and Put-away label (relocation) voucher categories. One or more rows with the following columns are available for each voucher category:

Voucher category – the voucher document category for which the output settings are being defined is displayed in this row. The following voucher document categories are available:

  • inventory order
  • put-away label
  • put-away label (relocation)

Medium – the output medium is displayed on which the voucher document is output according to the voucher document template. The following output media are available:

  • printer (output as file is also possible)
  • e-mail
  • fax

Voucher document template – enter a voucher document template that specifies the structure of the corresponding voucher document. Each voucher document template applies to exactly one of the output media. A voucher document template contains settings for the output medium as well as for the structure and format of the voucher document. For instance, a voucher document template for the printer medium contains information on single-sided or duplex printing, or the count of printed copies.

Recipient addressing – in this field, you can specify a communication method for voucher document templates with the output media fax and e-mail. This defines which one of the recipient’s fax or e-mail addresses is used when outputting this voucher. Based on the communication method defined in this field, the system determines the specific communication connection from the relevant partner when outputting vouchers, that is, a specific fax number or e-mail address. This fax number or e-mail address is used for outputting the voucher as the recipient’s address.

Preferred – if output settings are defined for a voucher category in several lines, one of these must be marked as preferred. This flag is applied as a default and means that these preferred settings will be used when outputting the voucher document unless one of the other defined settings is selected manually.


No settings need to be made in the Customizing application for the Warehouse areas application.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Warehouse areas application that you use, for example, in order to:

  • assign authorizations
  • set up activity definitions
  • import or export data.

Warehouse area: com.cisag.app.inventory.obj.WarehouseArea

The business entity is part of the following business entity group: com.cisag.app.inventory.MasterData


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. The authorization concept is described in the technical documentation Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Warehouse areas application.

Organization assignments

If the Content-based authorizations function is activated in the Customizing application, a person can only view the Warehouse areas application if an organization that is linked to at least one of the following structures has been assigned to him or her in the partner master data:

  • Inventory management

Special features

During verification of the authorizations for the user, the user’s authorizations for warehouses are verified as well. In order to be able to edit warehouse areas, the user assigned to a person must be also authorized to change warehouses.

Authorizations for business partners

The Warehouse areas application is not released for business partners.

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