Warehouse delivery assignments

Application Warehouse delivery assignments allows for assigning warehouses to delivery areas. Such assignment is used during the import of sales orders, when the system, on the basis of the partner’s address, assigns appropriate item delivery warehouse.

To activate the functionality of selecting the warehouse on the basis of the address, it is necessary to select relevant option in the application Sales channels → tab Warehouse inventory management → field Delivery warehouse selection method.

  • By proximity – Country – if the warehouse is to be selected on the basis of the customer’s country
  • By proximity – Region – if the warehouse is to be selected on the basis of the customer’s region
  • By proximity – Postcode range – if the warehouse is to be selected on the basis of the postal code

Application description

The application  is composed of the identification pane containing standard button bar and of the work pane. On the standard button bar, a list of application views is available:

  • Delivery address – in this view, it is possible to associate warehouse with delivery area
Warehouse delivery assignment: Delivery address view
  • Warehouse priority – for more than one warehouse is defined for the area, in this view it is possible to specify the priority of warehouse selection
Warehouse delivery assignment: Warehouse priority view

Delivery address view

Identification pane

In the identification pane, it is possible to filter warehouse assignments according to the following criteria:

  • Country – in this field, it is possible to define the country for which warehouse assignments should be displayed. The values for this field are retrieved from the Countries application and are available under the [Value assistant].
  • Region – in this field, it is possible to define regions for which warehouse assignments should be displayed. The values for this field are retrieved from the Countries application and are available under the [Value assistant].
  • Post code range lower value – in this field, it is necessary to specify manually the lower range of the postal code for the area which will be supported by the warehouse
  • Post code range upper value – in this field, it is necessary to specify manually the upper range of the postal code for the area which will be supported by the warehouse
If the lower value of the post code range is defined as 31-300 and the upper value of the post code range is defined as 31-900, then post code 31-400 will be handled by the warehouse assigned to that area, whereas post code 31-950, which is beyond the range, will be handled by another warehouse.
  • Warehouses – from the list available under the [Value assistant] button, it is possible to select warehouse to which the search is supposed to be limited. The values for this field are retrieved from the Warehouses application.

Work pane

The work pane of the Delivery address view is composed of a table containing assignments of deliveries from the warehouse. In this area, it is possible to preview, sort search results and create new associations. Available fields:

  • Country (mandatory field) – in this field, it is necessary to indicate country within which the area handled by indicated warehouse is located The countries are retrieved from the Countries application and are available under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Region – in this field, it is necessary to indicate region within which the area handled by indicated warehouse is located. Regions are retrieved from the Countries application and are available under the [Value assistant].
  • Post code range – in this field, on the basis of post code, it is possible to additionally specify the range of the area handled by the warehouse
The format of the post code entered in the field must be compliant with the format entered for a given country in the application Countries → tab Address format → field Format for postal code validation.
  • Warehouse (mandatory field) – on the list available under the [Value assistant] button, it is necessary to indicate the warehouse from which the delivery will be made
The item supposed to be dispatched from selected warehouse must contain warehouse inventory data compliant with the data of that warehouse, otherwise it will not be possible to assign the delivery warehouse and the order import will fail.

Warehouse priority view

Identification pane

In the identification pane of the view, there is a field which allows for filtering search results:

  • Warehouse – in this field, it is possible to indicate warehouse for which assignments are supposed to be displayed in the work pane. The values for this field are retrieved from the Warehouses application.

Work pane

In the work pane of the view, it is possible to define the priority of using warehouses assigned to a given area. The pane has a form of a table composed of the following columns:

  • Warehouse – in this field, it is necessary to specify the warehouse for which the priority is to be determined. Available warehouses can be previewed on the list available under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Priority – in this field, it is necessary to specify warehouse priority. The priority is assigned by attributing relevant numbers to warehouses. The lower the number is, the higher warehouse priority is.
If two warehouses are assigned to an area: X and Y, whereby the X warehouse has priority 2 assigned and the Y warehouse – 4, then the warehouse X will be used as first.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Warehouse delivery assignments application: com.sem.ext.app.mcs.order.obj.DeliveryStorageAreaRule. It is used, for example, to perform the following:

  • assign warehouse to a region

Organizational assignments

To ensure that a person can see the Warehouse delivery assignments application in the user menu and can open it, the user must be assigned to an  organization that is connected to one of the following organization structures:

  • Sales

Authorizations for Business Partners

The application Warehouse delivery assignment is not released for the business partners.


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