Withdrawal restrictions

Topic overview

With the use of withdrawal restrictions, you can specify warehouse zones that are excluded from a withdrawal. The withdrawal restriction can, among other things, specify the sequence in which the individual warehouse zones are taken into consideration. With the withdrawal restriction you can also define which inventory units can be removed from which warehouse zone.

In this article, you will learn how you can create and edit withdrawal restrictions. For instructions on working with withdrawal restrictions, see the article Procedures: Withdrawal restrictions.

Please remember that as a result of an explicit specification for a storage location, for example, in an inventory posting or in an inventory requisition, the withdrawal restriction cannot be applied anymore.

Definitions of terms

A warehouse is a logically or physically defined area in which item inventory is maintained. A warehouse can be subdivided into storage locations if storage location control is enabled in Customizing. The exact structure of the warehouse is defined by the warehouse organization.

Storage restrictions
A storage restriction consists of a put-away and a withdrawal restriction. It sets which storage locations are excluded when determining storage locations and item inventories in put-away and withdrawal. A storage restriction can also
specify the sequence in which the individual warehouse zones of a warehouse are considered. Using the withdrawal restriction, inventory units can be specified in which withdrawal is allowed or prohibited.

Warehouse zones
If storage location control is activated in the Customizing application, a warehouse can be subdivided into warehouse zones. A warehouse can have any number of warehouse zones.

Packaging units
Inventory units can be consolidated into packaging units in order to form other units, such as cartons or pallets. A  packaging unit must be convertible into an inventory unit using a conversion factor. For the purposes of freight cost calculation, one such packaging unit will be defined in the item master data as the relevant packaging unit for freight.

Application description

The Withdrawal restrictions application is used to create withdrawal restrictions. It is only available if the storage location control is activated in the Customizing application.
The application consists of an identification pane and a work pane that are described below in detail.

Identification pane

The identification pane contains the fields that uniquely identify the withdrawal restriction as well as other generally applicable data.
The field contents are described in detail below:

Withdrawal restriction – enter a unique, as yet unused, identification of the withdrawal restriction in this field. The identification is used for finding the correct withdrawal restriction in other applications. It consists of up to 25 numbers, letters or a number-letter combination.
With the use of withdrawal restrictions, you can enter the warehouse zones that are excluded from a withdrawal. The withdrawal restriction can, among other things, specify the sequence in which the individual warehouse zones are taken into consideration. You can also define with the withdrawal restriction which inventory units can be withdrawn and from which warehouse zone.
Withdrawal restrictions are relevant only for determining storage locations through the withdrawal logic. If a specific storage location is specified in an inventory requisition or a manually entered inventory posting, it is not taken into consideration. With the withdrawal strategy Strict FIFO, the withdrawal restriction is also not taken into consideration.
After saving the withdrawal restriction for the first time, the identification cannot be changed anymore.
The withdrawal restrictions are created on a client-specific basis.

Description – in this field, enter a description of the withdrawal restriction. The description is an additional name for the withdrawal restriction. Meaningful descriptions simplify the search for the correct withdrawal restriction for the user. The description can be chosen and can be equivocal in the sense that several withdrawal restrictions can have the same description. However, the use of different descriptions in each case is recommended. The description can be also entered in several languages.

Warehouse – in this field, you can specify the warehouse for which you want to define the sequence in which the
withdrawal logic takes the warehouse zones into account.

Before you can use the withdrawal restriction at a specific warehouse, you have to define the sequence in which the withdrawal logic takes the warehouse zones into account. Therefore, make sure that a sequence is defined for all warehouses where the withdrawal restriction is used. For this purpose, open the withdrawal restriction and define a sequence for the warehouse zones in the work pane.

First, enter the warehouses in the Warehouses application.

Work area

In this work pane, specify in which sequence for the relevant warehouse the withdrawal logic takes the warehouse zones associated with the warehouse into account. Here, you can also specify inventory units for which you want to allow or prohibit a withdrawal, or you can specify that only complete storage units can be withdrawn.

The columns in detail:

Warehouse zone – this column displays all the warehouse’s warehouse zones, except for the warehouse zone with the Inventory discrepancies utilization. The display takes place in alphabetical order.

Unit – in this column, enter inventory units for which you want to allow or prohibit a withdrawal.
The packaging units and the base unit of the item are compared with the units defined in this field for the relevant warehouse zone. The determination of the units to be taken into account depends on the value in the Unit exclusion field.
For an example of the procedure to be applied for determination of storage location through the withdrawal logic, see the chapter Inclusions and exclusions of inventory units.

Rounding – in this column, specify whether the quantity is rounded down or up when removing a remaining quantity that is smaller than the unit conversion factor. This setting can only be made if units to be included or excluded for withdrawal are specified in the withdrawal restriction.

80 pieces of an item with the following packaging definitions are to be withdrawn: 200 pallet cages, 50 pallets and 20 cartons. The unit piece is excluded in the withdrawal restriction.

Rounding off:
One pallet and one carton are withdrawn, so the quantity is rounded down to 70 pieces. The remaining quantity of 10 pieces must be withdrawn from a picking location, for example.

Rounding up:
One pallet and two cartons are withdrawn, so the quantity is rounded up to 90 pieces. The remaining 10 items remain in the issue of goods zone. Please note that this does not take into account the quantities at the picking locations.

Sequence – in this column, specify the sequence in which the withdrawal logic takes the warehouse zones into account. Positive integers and the zero number (0) are allowed. The warehouse zones are taken into account in ascending order. If two warehouse zones show the same value, it is not specified which one of them is taken into account as the first one.
Warehouse zones with zero value are not taken into account.

In the Warehouses application, in the Priority field of the warehouse zones, you can also define the sequence in which the withdrawal logic takes the warehouse zones into account. However, this entry comes in question only when no withdrawal restrictions are used.

Unit exclusion – in this column, you can define whether the withdrawal of the specified inventory units is allowed or prohibited, or whether only complete storage units should be withdrawn.
Possible values are:

  • Include units – for the Include units value, item inventories are withdrawn only in the inventory units that were specified in the Unit column.
  • Exclude units– for the Exclude units value, item inventories are not withdrawn in the inventory units that were specified in the Unit column.
  • Only complete storage unitsfor the Only complete storage units value, only complete storage units from the warehouse zone are withdrawn. A complete storage unit corresponds to the current inventory in the storage location or slot. If the storage location category does not provide for use of storage units, the storage unit will be withdrawn as well. The inventory must be item-segregated in order to allow for determination of a complete storage unit for withdrawal. For items that are managed in batches or lots, the inventory must be also identifier-segregated.
    The term complete storage unit should not be confused with the term full storage unit. A full storage unit means an item- and identifier-segregated storage unit with an inventory quantity according to the packaging definition. A complete storage unit, on the other hand, means a storage unit plus its current inventory. It is irrelevant for the definition whether the storage location type permits storage units or not.

Inclusions and exclusions of inventory units

The item inventory can be stored in various inventory units. With the withdrawal restriction, you can define inventory units that are either included or excluded from the withdrawal. For determination of the withdrawal locations through the withdrawal logic, the inventory units in the withdrawal restriction are taken into consideration as follows:

  1. Inclusions and exclusions of units

The packaging units and the base unit of the item are compared with the storage units stored in the withdrawal restriction for the respective warehouse zone. The storage units to be taken into account are determined depending on the value in the “Units excluded” field:
The packaging units and the base unit of the item are compared with the inventory units defined in the withdrawal restriction for the relevant warehouse zone. The determination of the inventory units to be taken into account depends on the value in the Unit exclusion field.

  • Include units:
    All packaging units are excluded that are not defined in the withdrawal restriction. If the base unit is not defined, it is excluded as well. If no inventory units are defined at all, the withdrawal logic in the warehouse zone cannot determine any item inventories and any withdrawal locations either.
  • Exclude units:
    All packaging units are excluded that are defined in the withdrawal restriction. If the base unit is defined, it is excluded as well.
  1. Sort units

The inventory units to be taken into consideration are sorted according to the conversion factor to the base unit in descending order. This way, the base unit appears in the last line item.

  1. Withdrawal units

Starting from the inventory unit with the greatest conversion factor to the base unit, integers of this inventory unit are withdrawn as long as the quantity to be withdrawn is smaller than the conversion factor. Then, integers of the unit are withdrawn with the next smallest conversion factor. This step is repeated until all inventory units have been taken into account.

  1. Withdraw remaining quantity in the base unit

If the base unit is not excluded, a possible remaining quantity is withdrawn in the base unit.

Please note that it is assumed for the withdrawal that the item is available in the storage location or the slot in the determined packaging unit. However, this does not have to always be the case.

The following examples illustrate the procedure to be applied for inclusions and exclusions of inventory units through the withdrawal restriction. In the examples, an inventory item with the base unit piece and the following packaging definitions is assumed:

  • 1 Pal = 4,000 pieces (corresponding to one full storage unit)
  • 1 carton GR = 500 pieces
  • 1 carton MI = 100 pieces
  • 1 carton KL = 30 pieces

A full storage unit with 4,000 pieces of the item is available in the slot.

In the first example, 1,200 pieces are withdrawn with utilization of the Any storage location picking strategy (bin picking). In the withdrawal restriction used, the carton KL and piece (base unit) inventory units are excluded. The withdrawal logic determines the following quantities:

  • 0 x Pal (0 pieces)
  • 2 x carton GR (1,000 pieces)
  • 2 x carton MI (200 pieces)

In the next example, 1,200 pieces are withdrawn per bin picking. In the withdrawal restriction used, the carton KL and piece (base unit) inventory units are included. The following quantities are determined for the withdrawal:

  • 40 x carton KL (1,200 pieces)

The exclusion of units of measure can also mean that the requested quantity cannot be successfully removed from the storage bin, as the following example shows. In this example, the storage units “carton MI” and “pcs.” (base unit) are excluded. The withdrawal logic determines the following quantities:

As a result of exclusion of quantity units, it is also possible that the required quantity cannot be successfully withdrawn from the slot, as shown in the following example. In this example, the carton MI and piece (base unit) inventory units are excluded. The withdrawal logic determines the following quantities:

  • 0 x Pal (0 pieces)
  • 2 x carton GR (1,000 pieces)
  • 6 x carton KL (180 pieces)

Even if 40 carton KL of the required quantity corresponds to the required quantity of 1,200 pieces, sorting of the  inventory units to be taken into consideration according to the conversion factor (to the base unit) results in a remaining quantity.

Please note that it is assumed for the withdrawal that the item is available in the storage location or the slot in the determined packaging.


The Withdrawal restrictions application is only available if the storage location control is activated in the Customizing application.

The Withdrawal restrictions application does not need any other settings in Customizing application.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Withdrawal restrictions application that you use, for example, in order to:

  • assign authorizations
  • set up activity definitions
  • import or export data

Withdrawal restriction: com.cisag.app.inventory.obj.StorageAreaPickRestriction

Withdrawal restriction – warehouse zone: com.cisag.app.inventory.obj.StorageAreaPickRestrictionDetail

Withdrawal restriction – unit com.cisag.app.inventory.obj.StorageAreaPickRestrictionZoneDetail

The business entity is part of the following business entity group:

Inventory management master data: com.cisag.app.inventory.MasterData


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. The authorization concept is described in the technical article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Withdrawal restrictions application.

Organization assignments

If the Content-based authorizations function is activated in the Customizing application, a person can only view the Withdrawal restrictions application if an organization that is linked to at least one of the following structures has
been assigned to him or her in the partner master data:

  • Inventory management

Special features

There are no special features for the Withdrawal restrictions application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Withdrawal restrictions application is not released for business partners.

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