
Favorite customers

The Favorite tab contains customers marked as favorite ones by the application user. Owing to this feature, the user can mark customers to whose forms he/she wants to have quick access.

The user can individually define favorite customers.

Marking a customer as Favorite

A customer may be marked as favorite in Comarch Mobile Sales application only – this setting is not synchronized in the ERP system. Favorite customers are displayed on the customer list’s tab Favorite.

 – a customer marked as Favorite

 – a customer not marked as Favorite

List of favorite customers

List of top customers

The Top Customers tab contains customers for whom the greatest number of SO documents has been registered.

List of top customers

List of recent transactions

The Recent Transactions tab contains customers for whom transactions have been registered recently. The list is sorted by dates of the recently issued documents.

The list of recent transactions presents the following information:

List of recent transactions
Using this tab, the sales representative may quickly find customers for whom he/she issued documents on a given day, especially in the case where such documents have not been confirmed yet.

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