Item form

Selecting the  button from the context menu or choosing a given item on the item list displays the form of that item.

Item form (item details)

Item image

On the item form, it is possible to display an item image by selecting its thumbnail.

Item image

To zoom in on an image, perform a “zoom” gesture (touching the screen with two fingers simultaneously and moving them apart) or select the [Zoom In] button from the context menu (it is discussed HERE).


In Comarch ERP Enterprise system, the user can assign flags to a given item. The currently available default flags include:

  • New
  • Free shipping
  • Best seller
Flags on item form
It is not possible to create own flags in Comarch ERP Enterprise system.

Flags are non-editable and serve information purposes only.


Selecting the Units section displays all sales units defined for a given item, along with item weight.

Item details window, default item sales unit and weight

Stock levels

Comarch Mobile contains the following information on stock levels:

  • In the Headquarters – stock levels in all local warehouses which have been assigned in the profile configuration in Comarch Mobile Management application

Selecting the option In the Headquarters displays all warehouses available to a given sales representative, along with the stock levels of a given item in these warehouses as defined in Comarch ERP Enterprise system.

Item details window, stock levels in Headquarters

Sales price

Selecting the button in the Sales Price section displays all prices defined for a given item in the ERP system.

All prices available on the item form refer to the default unit.

Item details window, prices


Currently, promotions are not supported.

Additional information

The Additional Information section presents attributes synchronized from the ERP system.

The application supports the following attribute types:

  • Text
  • URL
  • Decimal
  • Selection field (as a list)
  • Date
Item details window, additional information
Attribute values are non-editable and are displayed for informative purposes only.


In the Attachments section on the item form, the application displays all files imported from Comarch ERP Enterprise system and added directly in Comarch Mobile Sales application.


The context menu of an item attachment contains the button [Preview].

Preview option in item attachment context menu

To add new attachments of different types, select the paperclip icon in the top right corner of the window.

Adding attachment

The currently allowed file types that can be sent from the mobile application to the ERP system are:

  • Images: .jpg, .png, and other
  • Other: .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx
  • Recordings: .amr, .m4a, .mp3
In the case of Samsung devices without a system audio recorder, it is necessary to download the Samsung Voice Recorder app using the official Samsung Galaxy Store for sound attachments to work properly.

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