Customer form

The customer form presents information concerning a selected customer:

  • Acronym (code) and name
  • TIN number
  • Main address
  • Accounting status and type
  • Information on actions scheduled for the current date
  • Number of the last document issued for the customer
  • Information on whether there are promotions available to the customer (the feature is currently not supported)
  • List of warehouses available to a given sales representative
  • Item group shared for the purposes of the customer
  • Currency
  • Main customer details
  • Favorite marking
  • Address, with a possibility to open it on the map
  • List of scheduled actions
  • Option to schedule a new action
Customer form

The  and  buttons display, respectively, an address and a route on the map.

The  button available in relevant sections make it possible to open actions, documents, or promotions associated with a customer.

List of customer addresses

Selecting the  button in the Address section opens a screen with all addresses defined for a given customer.

Addresses screen

Subsequent rows of the Commercial section present the following information:

  • Actions – it indicates whether there is an action (appointment) concerning a displayed customer scheduled for the sales representative on a given date
  • Last Document – the number of the last SO document issued for a given customer:
    • Selecting the button makes it possible to issue an SO document
    • Selecting the button opens the list of SO documents issued for a given customer
  • Promotion – this feature is currently not supported
  • Items – an item group assigned to a given customer
  • Currency – a currency in which documents are to be issued for a given customer
  • Main Customer – the main customer defined for a given customer
  • Payer – a payer defined for a given customer

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