Saving a document as unconfirmed

In order to unconfirm a document, select the button available on the Documents screen in the menu expanded for the entire document:

Document context menu

Additionally, when previewing a confirmed document that has not been synchronized in the ERP system yet, it is also possible to unconfirm the document by selecting the button.

Document preview, [Edit] button
Selecting the option [Yes] makes it possible to edit a given document again. If the user selects the [Back] button on the device and taps the [Save] option, the unconfirmed document is saved, and it is marked in green on the list.

Unconfirmed documents marked in green

Deleting documents

To delete an unconfirmed document, select the button. The option is available on the Documents screen in the menu expanded for the entire document.

Document preview, [Delete] button
Selecting the option [Delete] displays the notification presented below. Tapping [Yes] deletes the document.

Notification displayed when attempting to delete document

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