Adding item attributes in Comarch ERP Enterprise

In Comarch ERP Enterprise system, the user can assign attributes on the item form as an item’s additional parameters and features.

Attributes on the item form are only editable in CEE system. In the mobile application, they are displayed for informative purposes only.

Currently, the following attribute types are supported:

  • Text
  • URL
  • Decimal
  • Selection field (as a list)
  • Date

Item attributes/additional information may be entered in the Items application (Base view, Standard extension) on the Other fields tab.

Other fields tab in Items application in CEE

The Other fields tab displays all attributes defined in the system. The user may specify attribute values for a given item.

Attributes with empty fields (not filled in) are not synchronized by Comarch Mobile application.
Attributes on item form in CEE

Data modified on the item form needs to be saved with the  button.

Changes made need to be exported to Comarch Mobile with the use of the Export items or BUS Export data applications.

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