Adding a new customer

The application makes it possible to add a new customer form. In order to do so, it is necessary to select the  button available on the upper bar of the customer list.

Button for adding new customer on customer list

The Add Customer screen is composed of the fields presented below:

Registration of new customer form
Required fields are marked in red.

Selecting the  button makes it possible to add customer contact details and addresses.

By default, a customer status and customer type are retrieved from the ERP system and are non-editable.

In order to save a new customer, it is necessary to fill in all required fields and accept the data entered by selecting the  button.

Adding customer contact details

In the Contacts section, it is possible to add customer contact details. Available contact types include:

  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • URL
  • Fax
Registering contacts

Selecting the  button adds contact details. Selecting  deletes them.

Adding customer addresses

In the Addresses section, it is possible to add other customer addresses.

Adding additional address

It is possible to create several addresses, depending on their type:

Selecting address type

Once required fields are filled in and changes are saved, the new address is added to the Addresses section. The user may modify data entered by selecting the [Edit]  button or delete an address by selecting .

Adding contact persons

In the Contact Persons section, it is possible to add a customer contact person by selecting the button. The contact person addition window is presented below.

Contact person addition window

Positions of contact persons can be defined in the ERP system. Instructions on how to synchronize contact person positions may be found in the article Contact persons in Comarch ERP Enterprise.

When adding a contact person, it is possible to define the person’s contact details. The available contact types are:

  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • URL
The user can add more than one contact of a given type.

Once saved, a contact person is displayed in the Contact Persons section. The user may modify data entered in this section by selecting the [Edit] button or [Delete] button. It is also possible to add another contact person using the [Add] button.

Contact persons are also displayed in the Customers screen (Contact Persons tab).

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