Filtering actions

The user may filter actions on the calendar tabs Scheduled, Expired, and Completed. Once the user opens one of these tabs, he/she may use the following filter options to find relevant actions:

  • Issue Date From – it filters out all actions whose date of issue is later than the entered one
  • Issue Date To – it filters out all actions whose date of issue is earlier than the entered one
  • Action Type – it filters out all actions of a given type (e.g. only appointments)
  • Customer – it filters out all actions related to a selected customer
  • EXPCD/REND Date From – it refers to completed actions and filters out all actions whose date rendered is later than the entered one
  • EXPCD/REND Date To – if refers to completed actions and filters out all actions whose date rendered is earlier than the entered one
  • Type – it filters out all actions of a given appointment type
  • Template – it filters out all actions related to a given template
  • Additionally, with the use of the text filter, it is possible to search actions, for instance, by city or street
Filtering actions in calendar: Completed tab
Filtering actions in calendar: Scheduled tab

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