
To configure directories, select [Appointment] and then [Directories] from the main menu.

The list of directories contains the following directories:

  • Appointment Types
  • Reasons for Not Completing Appointment Elements
  • Travel Types
List of directories

To edit a directory, it is necessary to select one of the available options. The user can add new elements to particular directories or modify existing ones.

Appointment Types directory

In order to define a new appointment type or edit an existing one, select the [Appointment Types] tile.

Appointment Types directory

Selecting the tile opens the list of all appointment types. The application presents appointment type names, their colors, and statuses; it is also possible to edit a given appointment type by selecting .

List of appointment types

The list of appointment types may be filtered out by providing a relevant name in the Search by Name field.

Adding a new appointment type

By using the [+ New Value] button in the top right corner, the user may add a new value to the list of appointment types.

[+ New Value] button
In the New Appointment Type window, it is possible to specify an appointment type’s name, its status, and color.

Adding new appointment type

Editing an appointment type

The editing option  enables the user to modify an appointment type. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new value.

Reasons for Not Completing Appointment Elements directory

In order to define a new reason for not completing appointment elements or edit an existing one, select the [Reasons for Not Completing Appointment Elements] tile.

Reasons for Not Completing Appointment Elements directory

Selecting the tile opens the list of all defined reasons for not completing appointment elements. The application presents their names and statuses; it is also possible to edit a given reason by selecting .

List of reasons for not completing appointment elements

The list of reasons may be filtered out by providing a relevant name in the Search by Name field.

If no value has been added to the list yet, the application presents the notification: “No values. No values have been added to this directory”.

Adding a new reason for not completing appointment elements

By using the [+ New Value] button in the top right corner, the user may add a new value to the list of reasons for not completing appointment elements.

[+ New Value] button
In the New Reason for Not Completing Appointment Elements window, it is possible to specify the name and status of a new reason for not completing appointment elements.

Adding new reason for not completing appointment elements

Editing a reason for not completing appointment elements

The editing option  enables the user to modify a reason for not completing appointment elements. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new value.

Travel Types directory

In order to define a new travel type or edit an existing one, select the [Travel Types] tile.

Travel Types directory

Selecting the tile opens the list of all defined travel types used in mileage records. The application presents their names, information on whether a given travel type is predefined or user-defined, and statuses; it is also possible to edit a given travel type by selecting .

List of travel types

The list of travel types may be filtered out by providing a relevant name in the Search by Name field.

Adding a new travel type

By using the [+ New Value] button in the top right corner, the user may add a new value to the list of travel types.

[New Value] button
In the New Travel Type window, it is possible to specify the name of a new travel type and its status (Active by default).

Adding new travel type

Editing a travel type

The editing option  enables the user to modify a travel type. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new travel type.

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