
The list of profiles may be opened by selecting [Configuration] and then [Profiles] from the main menu.

List of profiles

The list is sorted alphabetically by profile name and contains the following information:

  • Name
  • Users – it displays the number of users to whom a given profile has been assigned
  • Status – it indicates whether a profile is active:
    • If a profile is active, the application displays the status
    • If a profile is inactive, the application displays the status
  • Context menu – two buttons are available in the context menu displayed for each profile: [Edit] and [Delete]
Profiles – Context menu

The list of profiles may be filtered out by providing a profile name in the Search field.

Adding a new profile

The [+ New Profile] button in the top right corner of the screen makes it possible to add a new profile.

[+ New Profile] button
Selecting the abovementioned button opens the screen presented below. More information on the process of adding a new profile may be found in the article Step 3 – Adding a profile and user in Comarch Mobile Management.

Adding new profile

Editing a profile

The [Edit] button enables the user to modify a profile. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new profile.

Deleting a profile

The [Delete] button is available if no users have been assigned to a given profile.

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