Item list

The list of offered items presents the following information:

  • Total number of offered items
  • Item code
  • Item name
  • Default subtotal (S) and total (T) price of an item
  • Available stock levels

Selecting the  button on the list of offered items or next to a given item expands the context menu. The user may then open item details described in the Item form article.

Item context menu
The total price displayed on the item list is calculated for a sales tax classification selected for the appropriate sales channel. More information may be found in the article Step 1 – Creating a sales channel.

The list of offered items is also presented in the catalog view. In order to switch to the catalog view, select the  icon. The catalog view may be set as default.

In order to return to the item list, select the  button.

Offered items in catalog view

The user may hide item codes on the item list. The option is available in the application settings.

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