Document numbering

Document Number in Headquarters field

The headers of sales order and sales quote documents contains the field Document Number in Headquarters. When a document is being issued in Comarch Mobile, the field is not displayed. The application displays the field for:

  • Historical documents downloaded from the Headquarters
  • Documents issued in the application that have been synchronized in the Headquarters, where a number has been assigned to them, and which have been later exported using the Export sales documents application and synchronized in Comarch Mobile.

The following scenarios can be distinguished:

1. A document issued in Comarch Mobile and not synchronized:

  • The Sales Order field displays a document number from Comarch Mobile
  • The Document Number in Headquarters field remains hidden

2. A document issued in Comarch Mobile and synchronized:

  • The Sales Order field displays a document number from Comarch Mobile
  • The Document Number in Headquarters field displays a document number from Comarch ERP Enterprise, provided it has been exported from the system and downloaded in Comarch Mobile

3. A document issued in Comarch ERP Enterprise, downloaded in Comarch Mobile:

  • The Sales Order field displays a document number from Comarch ERP Enterprise
  • The Document Number in Headquarters field displays a document number from Comarch ERP Enterprise

All document numbers in Comarch Mobile are unique and take the form of symbol-doc_nr/month/year/series, where:

  • symbol is assigned as part of profile settings in Comarch Mobile Management
  • month has the mm format
  • year has the yy format
  • series is assigned as part of user settings in Comarch Mobile Management

For instance, the number of a document issued in Comarch Mobile may look as follows:SO-1/03/22/JSS.

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