Filtering customers when adding a sales appointment in Comarch Mobile Management

When creating a sales appointment in Comarch Mobile Management, it is possible to use filters to narrow down results displayed while selecting a customer. Filters available in the customer selection step include:

1. Region – it makes it possible to search a region to which a customer belongs. The list of regions is displayed as a tree structure sorted alphabetically. The list may be narrowed down to a specific region by entering its name in the Search field and makes it possible to select appropriate regions and subregions.

Region filter

2. Last Action – it makes it possible to select the date range of the last appointment. The following options are available:

  • Over 5 Days Ago
  • Over Week Ago
  • Over Two Weeks Ago
  • Over Month Ago
  • No actions
  • Choose own date
Last Action filter

3. Settlement Period – it makes it possible to select an appropriate period within which transaction values should be verified. In order to activate the filter, select one of the available options:

  • Last 7 Days – it displays customers with transactions completed within the last 7 days
  • Last 30 Days – it displays customers with transactions completed within the last 30 days
  • Last 60 Days – it displays customers with transactions completed within the last 60 days
  • Last 90 Days – it displays customers with transactions completed within the last 90 days
  • Choose own date – it makes it possible to set a custom date range
Settlement Period filter

4. Document Value – it makes it possible to select a transaction value. The transaction value should be understood as the sum of values entered in all sales order documents issued for a given customer. In order to activate the filter, select one of the available options:

  • 0 – 1000 EUR*
  • 1000 – 2000 EUR*
  • 2000 – 5000 EUR*
  • Choose custom value:
    • Entering only a From value searches for the sum of values of documents issued for a given customer from the amount entered in the field, with no upper limit
    • Entering only a To value searches for the sum of values of documents issued for a given customer up to the amount entered in the field, with no lower limit

*The currency should be consistent with the system currency selected for the sales channel in Comarch ERP Enterprise.

Document Value filter
Currently, only sales orders issued in Comarch Mobile are included in the calculation of document values. By default, the From and To values are set to the lowest and highest value of sales order documents found in the Comarch Mobile Management application database.
If the Document Value filter is activated and set up but the Settlement Period filter is not activated, the application will filter out those customers whose collective document value falls within the date/day range defined in the filter.

In turn, if the Settlement Period filter is activated and set up but the Document Value filter is not activated, the application will filter out those customers who participated in any transaction within the period defined in the filter.

Hiding filters

The Select Customers step contains the button [More Filters]. Selecting the button opens the Other Filters screen which contains filters that do not fit in the previous screen.

Other Filters screen

Clearing filters

The Select Customers step contains the button [Clear Filters]. Selecting the button clears all previously activated filters.

[Clear Filters] button

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