Rescheduling an appointment

Rescheduling a single appointment

In order to reschedule a single appointment to another date, select the [Reschedule] button from the appointment’s context menu.

[Reschedule] option
Selecting the [Reschedule] button opens the window shown below, enabling the user to define a new appointment date.

Appointment rescheduling window

The Date and Time fields prompt the first available date and time when the appointment may be completed, starting from the current date. Once a new appointment date is defined, it is necessary to select the [Save] button. The appointment will then be rescheduled.

Rescheduling an appointment cycle

If an appointment belongs to a cycle, selecting the [Reschedule] option from the appointment’s context menu displays the selection window shown below.

Options for appointments belonging to cycle
Rescheduling, deleting, or rejecting an appointment which is part of a cycle divides that cycle into two separate parts: the first part will precede the given action, while the second part will follow it. In such a case, if the user wants to reschedule the entire appointment cycle, only the first or the second cycle part will be rescheduled, depending on a selected option.
Appointments have been scheduled weekly for every Monday: May 2nd, May 9th, May 16th, May 23rd, and May 30th.

The appointment scheduled for May 16th has been rejected (e.g. a contact person took a leave of absence). If the user wants to postpone the cycle by one day (reschedule it for each Tuesday) and selects the May 2nd appointment, then only the first appointment cycle consisting of two appointments – scheduled for May 2nd and May 9th – will be rescheduled; the May 23rd and May 30th appointments will remain unchanged.

Selecting the [Whole Cycle] button opens a window enabling the user to reschedule the entire appointment cycle.

Rescheduling sales appointment cycle

The window for rescheduling an appointment cycle differs from the window for rescheduling a single appointment with the following details:

  • The Scheduled On field presents the date of the first action within a cycle
  • The window presents information on how often the action is to be repeated
  • The cycle’s end date is presented

The Date and Time fields prompt the first available date and time when the first appointment within a cycle may be completed, starting from the current date. Simultaneously, it is also the cycle’s start date. Once an appropriate date is defined, it is necessary to select the [Save] button. The appointment cycle will then be rescheduled according to the newly defined start date.

Action dates and the end date of a cycle being rescheduled are set based on the difference between the former and the new cycle start date.


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