Historicity parameters

Retrieve documents from system – the parameter makes it possible to download documents from the ERP system. Currently, it refers to sales orders and sales quotes issued for customers supervised by the user logged in to the application. More information about configuration may be found in the Downloading historical documents – Configuration article.

Retrieve documents from system window in Comarch Mobile settings
For the Retrieve documents from system parameter to be visible in Comarch Mobile, it is first necessary to configure the functionality. More information may be found in the Downloading historical documents – Configuration article.
This parameter allows the sales representative to access all sales transactions registered for his/her customers by the logged-in operator and other company employees.

The default setting of the Retrieve documents from system parameter is No. In order to download documents issued within a specified period, it is necessary to select a relevant option and perform synchronization.

Changing the number of days determining the period from which documents are to be downloaded does not delete documents that have already been downloaded in the application before changing the option.
If the parameter is set as, for instance, From 30 days, but the option of downloading documents is deactivated in Comarch ERP Enterprise or Comarch Mobile Management and then activated again, the parameter will be reset to No upon restarting Comarch Mobile.

Delete objects – the parameter makes it possible to delete historical objects from Comarch Mobile application’s database. For instance, the application deletes documents issued by the representative. In application settings, the user may define a period after which such documents are to be deleted from the application.

Comarch Mobile application settings for deleting objects

The default setting of the Delete objects parameter is No. In order to delete documents issued within a specified period, it is necessary to select a relevant option and perform synchronization.

Currently, the Delete objects parameter refers to documents downloaded from the ERP system.

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