Document statuses

Document statuses are displayed in the following areas of Comarch Mobile:

  • On the document list – they are displayed under the number of items included in a given document
  • On the document header – they are displayed in the Document Statuses section

Depending on the document type, the following status types can be distinguished:

  • In orders:
    • General status
    • Delivery status
    • Invoice status
  • In quotes:
    • General status
    • Order status


The following statuses can be assigned to sales orders as part of status types:

  • General statuses:
    • In process
    • Released
    • Blocked
    • Invalid
    • Completed
    • Reorganization started
  • Delivery statuses:
    • Not delivered
    • Delivered in part
    • Delivered in full
  • Invoice statuses:
    • Non-invoiced
    • Invoiced in part
    • Invoiced in full

The following statuses can be assigned to sales quotes:

  • General statuses:
    • In process
    • Released
    • Blocked
    • Invalid
    • Completed
    • Reorganization started
  • Order statuses:
    • Not ordered
    • Ordered in part
    • Ordered in full

Statuses on the document list

Document statuses on document list

Statuses in the document header

Below the Commercial section, the document header contains the Document Statuses section. Depending on the document type, the section displays different types of statuses.

  • Document statuses in the sales order header:
Document statuses in sales order header
  • Document statuses in the sales quote header
Document statuses in sales quote header

Below each status type, the application presents information on the status transferred from the Headquarters.

Statuses for documents issued in Comarch Mobile

The statuses of sales orders created in Comarch Mobile that have not been sent to the Headquarters yet can take the following values:

  • General statuses:
    • In process
  • Delivery statuses:
    • Not delivered
  • Invoice statuses:
    • Non-invoiced

The statuses of sales quotes created in Comarch Mobile that have not been sent to the Headquarters yet can take the following values:

  • General statuses:
    • In process
  • Order statuses:
    • Not ordered
Document statuses in Comarch Mobile change if a given document has been modified in the Headquarters and the modifications have been exported using the Export sales documents application and synchronized in the application.

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