Logging in to Comarch Mobile Management
To open Comarch Mobile Management and log in, enter the application’s address in the web browser and fill in the Login and Password fields. The data should be given based on information received from Comarch.
Adding a new profile
In order to add a new profile in Comarch Mobile Management, select [Configuration] → [Profiles] in the main menu. Next, in the window opened, select the [+ New Profile] button in the top right corner.
Selecting the [+ New Profile] button opens the window presented below, enabling the addition of a new profile.
To define a new profile, it is necessary to adjust settings on two tabs: Profile Parameters and Document Parameters.
On the Profile Parameters tab, the user needs to specify basic data:
- Name (required) – a profile name
- Active – by switching the toggle, it is possible to indicate whether or not the new profile is to be active (by default, it is)
- Document Types – it makes it possible to define document types to be available for issuing in Comarch Mobile
- Download documents from Headquarters – it makes it possible to define document types to be downloaded from Comarch ERP Enterprise to Comarch Mobile
- Payment Forms – it presents payment forms available in Comarch Mobile:
- Name – a payment form’s name
- Default – by switching the toggle, it is possible to indicate whether or not a given payment form is to be set as default
- – it allows the user to detach a given payment form
- – it opens a window with the list of payment forms which the user can add to the profile. It is a multiple selection list, sorted by name and narrowed down to payment forms which have not been added to the profile yet.
Selecting payment forms and clicking [Confirm] in the Add Payment Form window adds the selected payment forms.
- Price Lists – it presents price lists available in Comarch Mobile:
- Name – a price list’s name
- Priority – a price list’s priority defined in Comarch ERP Enterprise
- – it allows the user to detach a given price list
- – it opens a window with the list of price lists which the user can add to the profile. It is a multiple selection list, sorted by name and narrowed down to price lists which have not been added to the profile yet.
Selecting price lists and clicking [Confirm] in the Add Price List window adds the selected price lists.
- Description – a text field allowing the user to enter a profile description (maximum 200 characters)
Once all the required data is entered, the [Next] button will be activated. Selecting the button opens the Profile Permissions tab, where it is possible to define permissions for users assigned to a given profile.
Using the Copy Profile Permissions option, it is possible to copy permissions from an existing profile. Once a profile is selected from the list, permissions will be transferred to the new profile and the user will be able to edit them, if necessary.
Available permissions include:
- Access to Actions module:
- Addition of appointments
- Confirmation and rejection of appointments
- Access to all actions or Access to actions from user regions or Access to user actions
- Access to Regions module:
- Modification of regions
- Access to all regions or Access to user regions
- Access to Routes module:
- Copying of routes
- Saving of route templates
- Access to all routes or Access to routes from user regions or Access to user routes
- Access to Employees module:
- Access to all employees or Access to employees from user regions
- Access to Customers module:
- Access to all customers or Access to customers from user regions
- Access to Sales Plans module:
- Modification of sales plans
- Confirmation and closing of sales plans
- Access to all sales plans or Access to sales plans from user regions
- Access to Reports module:
- Access to all reports orAccess to reports from user regions
- Access to Route Templates module:
- Modification of route templates
- Access to all route templates or Access to user route templates
- Access to Appointment Templates module
- Modification of appointment templates
- Access to Template Elements module:
- Modification of appointment template elements
- Access to Directories module:
- Modification of directory items
- Access to Vehicles module:
- Modification of vehicles
- Access to all vehicles or Access to vehicles from user regions or Access to user vehicles
- Access to all information on Start screen – deselecting this permission will only display information related to the user’s region
After defining appropriate permissions, select the button [Next]. The next tab Document Parameters presents document types selected on the Profile Parameters tab and an additional type Sales Appointment.
Currently, the following document types are available in the application:
- Sales order
- Sales quote
- Sales appointment
After selecting the [Sales Order] or [Sales Quote] tile on the Document Parameters tab, it is possible to specify basic data for particular document types:
- Document Symbol (required) – it allows the user to enter a document symbol for a given profile (consisting of up to 5 characters). Within a single profile, one symbol cannot be used for a number of different documents.
- Modification of document item prices and discounts – it allows the user to modify prices and discounts related to document items. The option is unavailable if the Price list option has been selected in the Price origin field for the type of sales orders or sales quotes assigned to the sales channel.
- Duplication of document items – it allows the user to duplicate document items. If the user once again scans or adds an item already added to the cart, a new document item will be added.
- VAT direction – a drop-down list with two options available: Subtotal and Total. With the use of this field, it is possible to specify whether a given document, along with its default prices, is to be calculated on subtotal or total.
- Confirmation of documents with zero-value items – it allows the user to add zero-value document items to the cart
- Visible prices – deactivating this parameter results in:
- Hiding prices and discounts in the summary of a given document
- Hiding prices and discounts in the cart for a given document type
- Hiding header information on discounts and margins for a given document type
- Hiding values of previous transactions for a given document type
- Hiding values of unconfirmed documents on the list of documents of a given type
- Hiding values of documents displayed in the preview of an appointment element of the Document Registration type
- Sales from warehouse – adjusting this parameter allows the representative to issue documents for a specific warehouse only or for all warehouses assigned to a given sales order document. The available options are presented in the figure below.
- Warehouses – it presents warehouses available in Comarch Mobile:
- Name – a warehouse’s name
- Default – by switching the toggle, it is possible to indicate whether or not a given warehouse is to be set as default
- – it allows the user to detach a given warehouse from the document definition
- – it opens a window with the list of warehouses which the user can add to the document definition. It is a multiple selection list, sorted by name and narrowed down to warehouses which have not been added to the document definition yet.
Selecting a warehouse and clicking [Confirm] in the Add Warehouse window adds selected warehouses. Only a single warehouse may be set as default.
After selecting the [Sales Appointment] tile on the Document Parameters tab, it is possible to adjust the parameter:
- Document Symbol – it enables the user to specify a document symbol used by a given profile, consisting of up to 5 characters. A profile can use the same symbol for one document type only.
Once all necessary settings are entered, it is necessary to confirm the addition of the new profile by selecting the [Create] button. In turn, selecting [Previous Step] returns the user to the previous tab.
Adding a new user
In order to add a new user in Comarch Mobile Management, select [Configuration] → [Users] in the main menu. Next, in the window opened, select the [+ New User] button in the top right corner.
Selecting the [+ New User] button opens the window presented below, enabling the addition of a new user.
To add a user, it is necessary to fill in the fields User Code, User Password, and Series, and to assign an employee and profile. The value entered in the Series field is added to the numbers of documents issued by a given user in Comarch Mobile. More information may be found in the Document numbering article. It is also possible to determine whether the new user account should be activated.
Clicking the [Select] option in the Employee section opens the Assign Employee to User window containing the list of employees.
The window displays the following information:
- Employee – a full name or acronym
- Phone
- E-mail Address
- City
The employee list may be filtered out by entering a first name, last name, or city in the Search field.
Clicking the [Assign Employee] button confirms selection.
Clicking the [Select] option in the Profile section opens the Select Profile window containing the list of available profiles.
Clicking the [Save] button confirms selection.
Once all necessary information is entered, it is necessary to confirm the addition of the new user by selecting the [Create] button.