Step 2 – Adding an employee in Comarch ERP Enterprise

Adding an employee

In order to use Comarch Mobile application, it is necessary to add an employee (sales representative) who will later be attached to a user in Management application. First, go to the Partners application, click the  icon and select [New person]. In the opened window, fill in the following fields:

  • Partner – the employee’s acronym
  • Name – the employee’s full name
  • Partner search string
  • Address – the employee’s residence address
  • Organization responsible
  • Sales representative (parameter selected)
  • Assigned organization
Employee settings: Base view
For the purposes of the import of sales appointments into Comarch ERP Enterprise, each sales representative must simultaneously be a Comarch ERP Enterprise user. See the article Synchronization of sales appointments in Comarch ERP Enterprise and Microsoft Outlook for more details.

Employee view:

  • Employer
Employee settings: Employee view

Data entered must be confirmed by selecting the  button.

Adding the employee to contact persons

Once the employee is created, it is necessary to add this employee to employer contact persons. To do so, open the employer (organization) form in the Partners application and select the  button in the lower part of the window. For the newly created line item, enter an acronym or search the previously added employee.

Adding employee to organization contact persons

Assigning an employee to a sales channel

The next step is to assign the employee to the previously created sales channel. To do this, open the Sales channel partners application and create a new association by clicking the  button and selecting the option [New]. Next, it is necessary to select an appropriate sales channel, the created partner (employee) and a relevant customer type.

Currently, the only customer type supported is B2B.
Assigning employee to sales channel
To be assigned to a sales channel, the customer cannot have financial roles.

Data entered must be confirmed by selecting the  button.

Export of changes

As the next step, it is necessary to export all the changes made. For that purpose, open the BUS export data batch application and select the created sales channel on the Application tab, as well as a relevant processing queue on the Batch settings tab.

Employee data export in Bus export data application

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