
To display the list of vehicles, select [Appointment] and then [Vehicles] from the main menu.

The list presents the following information:

  • License Plate No. – a vehicle’s license plate number
  • Driver – an employee assigned to a vehicle
  • Brand – a vehicle’s brand
  • Model – a vehicle’s model
  • Year of Manufacture
  • Inspection Expiration Date
  • Insurance Policy Number– a vehicle’s policy document number
  • Insurance Policy Expiration Date – a vehicle’s policy expiration date
List of vehicles

The list of vehicles may be filtered out by providing a license plate number, driver, or brand in the fields Search Vehicle by Plate No. or Driver or Brand.

Adding a new vehicle

In order to add a new vehicle, select the [New Vehicle] button in the top right corner.

[New Vehicle] button
Selecting the button displays a new window shown below.

Adding new vehicle

Information presented in the New Vehicle window:

  • License Plate Number – a text field (required)
  • Driver – it enables the user to assign a driver. Clicking the [Select] option displays a list making it possible to select one employee.
  • Vehicle Brand – it enables the user to select a vehicle brand. Clicking the [Select] option displays a list making it possible to select a brand or add a new one.
  • Model – a text field
  • Capacity (in tons) – a text field; only numeric values are accepted
  • Volume (in m3) – a text field; only numeric values are accepted
  • Year of Manufacture – a text field; only numeric values are accepted
  • Inspection Expiration Date – selecting the field displays a calendar window. By default, the current date is entered, with a possibility to change it.
  • Insurance Policy Number – a text field; only numeric values are accepted
  • Insurance Policy Expiration Date – selecting the field displays a calendar window, similar to the one displayed in the case of the inspection expiration date
Adding new vehicle – Selecting date

After entering all information, it is necessary to confirm the addition of a new vehicle by selecting the [Add Vehicle] button.

Vehicles added in Comarch Mobile Management application are displayed in the mobile application on the list of vehicles when processing a Travel appointment element, discussed in the Sales appointment element – Travel article.

Editing a vehicle

The editing option  enables the user to edit a vehicle. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new vehicle.

Assigning an employee to a vehicle

Clicking the [Select] or [Edit] button in the Driver field displays the list of employees making it possible to select one employee.

The list of employees contains the following data:

  • Employee – an employee’s full name; if it is not defined, then the employee’s acronym is displayed
  • City – a city defined on an employee form
Assigning employee to vehicle

Available filters:

  • Search Employees – a text field enabling the user to search an employee by first name, last name, acronym, and city
  • Region – it makes it possible to select a region to which an employee belongs. The list of regions is displayed as a tree structure sorted alphabetically and can be narrowed down to a specific region by entering its name in the Search field or selecting it from the displayed list of regions and subregions.

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