Previewing a sales plan and a reference plan

Previewing a sales plan

A sales plan may be previewed from the Sales Plans screen. Selecting a given sales plan displays a separate screen with its name and status and tabs containing detailed information on the selected plan.

Sales plan preview

Sales plan details are grouped into 4 tabs:

  • Parameters
  • Items
  • Regions
  • Customers

Parameters tab

The Parameters tab displays the following information:

  • Plan Value
  • Total Execution
  • General – this section displays information on the plan’s type, validity date, and the basis for execution calculation
  • Description

Items tab

The Items tab displays information on items and item groups added to the plan:

  • Thumbnail:
    • An image thumbnail/item logo is presented by each item; if a given item has no logo added, the icon is displayed
    • The thumbnail is displayed for item groups
  • Item/group name
  • Item/group code
Sales plan details – Items

Regions tab

The Regions tab displays information on all regions added to the sales plan, along with the values assigned to them:

  • Region name
  • Target value
Sales plan details – Regions

If a reference plan has been added to a sales plan, additional information is presented about the execution of the reference plan, along with an increase or decrease value.

Sales plan details – Regions – Additional information on reference plan

Customers tab

The Customers tab displays information on customers added to the plan:

  • Customer name
  • Code
  • Address
  • Region
Sales plan details – Customers

Previewing a reference plan

[Select] button in Reference Plan field
A reference plan can be previewed from the screen of a new sales plan.

Clicking the button [Select] in the Reference Plan field displays a screen with the list of sales plans:

  • The sales plans displayed have the status Confirmed or Closed
  • The From date of the sales plans displayed is earlier than the current date
List of reference plans

The list of plans on the Select Reference Plan screen displays the following information:

  • Name – a sales plan’s name
  • Type – a sales plan’s type:
    • Value
    • Quantity
  • Validity Period – a sales plan’s validity dates
  • Status – a sales plan’s status:
    • Confirmed – marked with a green icon:
    • Closed – marked with a red icon and a closing date:

Additionally, the Select Reference Plan screen contains the following filters:

  • Search Plans (text field) – it makes it possible to search for sales plans by their name
  • Status – it makes it possible to search for a sales plan by its status; the filter contains a drop-down list with the following values:
    • All (default)
    • Confirmed
    • Closed
  • Time Range – selecting the button makes it possible to select a relevant time range that should cover the sales plans to be displayed:
    • Today – it displays sales plans with the From date set as the current date
    • Current week – it displays sales plans with the From date set as a date within the current week
    • Current month – it displays sales plans with the From date set as a date within the current month
    • Current year – it displays sales plans with the From date set as a date within the current year
    • Choose own date – it displays sales plans falling within a selected date range
Filtering sales plans

Reference plan details

Selecting a given sales plan or the icon on the Select Reference Plan screen displays a separate screen with the plan’s name and status and tabs containing detailed information on the selected plan.

Preview of reference plan

Reference plan details are grouped into 4 tabs:

  • Parameters
  • Items
  • Regions
  • Customers

Parameters tab

The Parameters tab displays the following information:

  • Plan Value
  • Total Execution
  • General – this section displays information on the plan’s type, validity date, and the basis for execution calculation
  • Description
Reference plan details – Parameters

Items tab

The Items tab displays information on items and item groups added to the plan:

  • Thumbnail:
    • An image thumbnail/item logo is presented by each item; if a given item has no logo added, the icon  is displayed
    • The thumbnail  is displayed for item groups
  • Item/group name
  • Item/group code
Reference plan details – Items

Regions tab

The Regions tab displays information on all regions added to the sales plan, along with the values assigned to them:

  • Region name
  • Target value
  • Reference plan execution
Reference plan details – Regions

Customers tab

The Customers tab displays information on customers added to the plan:

  • Customer name
  • Code
  • Address
  • Region
Reference plan details – Customers

The [Select] button makes it possible to add a plan as a reference plan to a sales plan that is currently being added.

The [Cancel] button can be selected to cancel selection made on the screen and return to the previous screen.

Adding sales plan – General – Assigned reference plan

After a reference plan is selected, the user may remove it or change it to a different one.

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