Adding promotions in Comarch ERP Enterprise

In Comarch ERP Enterprise system, it is possible to define promotions which will be available in Comarch Mobile after synchronization. The currently supported promotion type is Customer.

A promotion may be defined in the Sales price lists application. The user needs to open the Customer view, select the button [Surcharge/discount] and fill in the following fields:

  • Customer – a customer for whom the promotion is to be activated
  • Price component type – it needs to have the category of Discount. The type may be defined in the Sales price component types application.
  • Scale – a value from which the discount will be calculated
  • Percent – a discount value
  • Validity period – a period during which the promotion will be active
Adding new promotion in Sales price lists application

A promotion will always be applied if:

  • the scale set for the promotion is 0,
  • the Base discounts parameter has been activated for the price component type selected for the item price
In order to properly handle prices in Comarch Mobile, only one price should be added for a particular item on a single sales price list in CEE.

In the Customizing application, it is possible to define priorities for promotions, depending on the price list level. Priorities determine the order in which promotions are applied. The highest priority has the value of 1, while the lowest one has the value of 6.

Available price list levels:

  • Item
  • Item price classification
  • Customer + Item
  • Customer + Item price classification
  • Customer price classification + Item
  • Customer price classification + Item price classification

Discounts from the Customer view are always applied last.

Priorities of promotions/prices from different views in Customizing application

In the case of prices for which a promotion is being defined, the price component type whose definition is created in the Sales price component types must have the option Discountable selected.

Definition of sales price component type of Price category

In the case of discounts, the price component type whose definition is created in the Sales price component types must have the option Use price component only once deselected.

Definition of sales price component type of Discount category

The sales price component type must have the Base discounts parameter selected.

Changes made need to be exported into Comarch Mobile with the use of the [BUS export masterdata] application.

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