Available calendar views

The calendar can be opened in one of the seven views:

  • Month
  • Week
  • Day
  • Scheduled
  • Expired
  • Completed
  • Regular and Not Scheduled

Each view presents appropriately filtered actions.

Month view

The monthly view presents actions scheduled for a given month. The user can preview an existing action or schedule a new one.

In order to change a date in the monthly view, it is necessary to:

  • Click one of the arrow buttons
  • Select a specific date
  • Swipe up or down

If actions have been scheduled for a given day, the field with this day presents two numbers: on the right-hand side, it is the total number of all scheduled actions, while on the left-hand side, there is the number of expired actions, if any, marked in red.

The bar in the bottom part of the calendar presents the name of a selected day of the week and the date on the left-hand side, while on the right-hand side, the number of expired actions is presented in red, along with the total number of actions scheduled for a given day.

Calendar: Month view

Week view

The weekly view presents actions scheduled for and completed in a selected week. Depending on the type of action and its status, actions are marked in different colors:

  • Scheduled and uncompleted actions – green
  • Scheduled and uncompleted private actions – blue
  • Rejected actions – gray
  • Overdue and uncompleted actions – red

The bar in the bottom part of the calendar presents the name of a selected day of the week and the date on the left-hand side, while on the right-hand side, the number of expired actions is presented in red, along with the total number of actions scheduled for a selected period.

Calendar: Week view

Day view

The daily view presents actions scheduled for and completed on a selected day.

In order to change the date in the daily view, it is necessary to:

  • Click one of the arrow buttons
  • Select a specific date

The daily view presents an hourly schedule of actions.

Calendar: Day view

Scheduled list

The Scheduled list presents actions scheduled from the current day to the following weeks in the future.

Calendar: List of scheduled actions

Expired list

The Expired list presents overdue actions from the current day to the following weeks in the future.

Calendar: List of expired actions

Completed list

The Completed list presents completed and rejected actions. The list of completed actions is shown below.

Calendar: List of completed actions

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