
[Save application logs to file] button
In order to improve the analysis of Comarch Mobile application, a new button [Save application logs to file] has been made available. The button is located under the [Comarch Mobile] tile, in the Diagnostics section.

After the button is selected, the following notification is displayed: “Application logs will be saved to disk. Do you wish to continue?

By selecting [Yes], the user agrees to saving logs to the device memory, while selecting [No] aborts the process.

Notification: “Application logs will be saved to disk. Do you wish to continue?”

If the user agrees to continue the process, logs will be saved on the device, as indicated by the notification: “Logs have been saved in “/storage/emulated/0/MoSLogs/MoSLogs_date_time.txt file”, where the date and time are filled in automatically based on device data.

Example of log saving notification

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