Customer form

The customer form presents information concerning a selected customer:

Customer form

The  and  buttons display, respectively, an address and a route on the map.

The button available in relevant sections make it possible to open the list of addresses, contact persons, relationships, actions, documents, and promotions associated with a customer.

List of customer addresses

Selecting the button in the Address section opens a screen with all addresses defined for a given customer.

Addresses screen

The button makes it possible to display the details of a given address (if they have been entered), as in the figure below:

Customer address details

List of contact persons

Selecting the button in the Contact person section opens a screen with all contact persons defined for a given customer.

Contact Persons section

The button makes it possible to display additional information, i.e. the contact details of a given person.

Contact person details

List of relationships with other customers

Selecting the button in the Relationships section opens a screen with all relationships assigned to a given customer.

Relationships section
In Comarch Mobile application, relationships are displayed for informative purposes only.

If there are no relationships defined for a given customer, the section displays the notification “No relationships“.

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