Promotions from the ERP system

For the purpose of correct discount calculation according to the logic of Comarch ERP Enterprise system, all price lists available on the price listing attached to the sales channel should be attached to the user profile in Comarch Mobile Management. Otherwise, discounts will not be calculated correctly. More information on the configuration of user profiles may be found in the Step 3 – Adding a profile and user in Comarch Mobile Management article.
Currently, Comarch Mobile application supports promotions of the Customer discount type.

Promotions may be previewed on the customer form. If promotions have been defined for a customer, the Promotions section displays the information: “There are applicable promotions.”

Customer form with Promotions section

Selecting the right arrow displays the list of applicable promotions created for a given customer.

List of applicable customer promotions

The  icon on the right-hand side indicates the promotion type: Customer discount. Selecting a given promotion displays the promotion screen, as presented below.

Promotion screen

If more than one customer has been assigned to a promotion, the option <For selected> will be displayed in the section Applicable For: Customers. Selecting the section opens the list of customers covered by the promotion.

List of customers covered by promotion

If more than one threshold has been assigned to a promotion, the option <Many> will be displayed in the section Applicable For: Thresholds. Selecting the section opens the list of thresholds covered by the promotion. Thresholds define conditions that need to be met to activate a given percentage discount.

A customer discount with 0 threshold is always applied in documents issued for a given customer.

List of applicable promotion thresholds
Currently, each promotion in Comarch Mobile is binding for all payment forms, shipping methods, and warehouses.

Defined promotions with 0 threshold are automatically applied to document items when the user issues a document.

Discount with 0 threshold automatically applied to document item

After an item is added, the cart displays the value of an applied discount.

Discounted item in cart

If a document value exceeds a given discount threshold greater than 0 defined as part of a promotion, the application displays a screen that enables the user to select the promotion upon document confirmation.

Selecting promotion after exceeding threshold value

A relevant promotion may be selected by checking the field on the right-hand side and confirming the document with the check icon in the top right corner of the screen.

If the parameter Modification of document item prices and discounts has not been selected for a given document type in the user profile in Comarch Mobile Management, it will not be possible to confirm a document without selecting a promotion.

Notification about required promotion selection

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