Server Data section

Application settings, Server Data section
  • Server Address – the name of the server with which data will be synchronized
  • Client ID – the identification of the client license
  • Client Password – the password of the client license
Complete the data above based on information received from Comarch.

Selecting the [Edit] option in the Server Data section allows you to modify the entered data.

Editing server data in application settings

In the Edit Server Data window, you can verify the entered data or make changes related to server connection. The  icon by the client password allows you to view the entered password.

To save data, select the [Save] button.

If you modify the data and the application cannot establish connection with the server, the following notification will be displayed: “Unable to establish connection. Invalid credentials have been provided.”

Server connection error

After selecting [Close], you will see the window’s fields highlighted in red, which indicates that they need to be corrected.

Edit Server Data window with incorrect data

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