
To configure directories, select the option [Appointment Templates] and then [Directories] from the main menu.

The list of directories is divided into three sections:

  • Sales Appointment
  • Task
  • Contact

As you enter a particular section, the application displays the directories related to a given action type.

List of directories

Sales Appointment section

The Sales Appointment section of the directory list contains the following options:

  • Appointment Types
  • Reasons for Not Completing Appointment Elements
  • Travel Types
Sales Appointment section

To edit a directory, select one of the available options. You can add new elements to particular directories or modify existing ones. If no value has been added to a given directory yet, the following notification is displayed: “No values. No values have been added.

Appointment Types directory

In order to define a new appointment type or edit an existing one, select the [Appointment Types] tile.

Appointment Types directory

Selecting the tile opens the list of all appointment types. The application presents appointment type names, their colors, and statuses; it is also possible to edit a given appointment type by selecting .

List of appointment types

The list of appointment types may be filtered out by providing a relevant name in the Search by Name field.

Adding a new appointment type

By using the [New Value] button in the top right corner, you can add a new value to the list of appointment types.

[New Value] button
In the New Appointment Type window, it is possible to specify an appointment type’s name, its status, and color. To confirm the creation of a new appointment type, select the button [Add].

Adding new appointment type

Editing an appointment type

The editing option enables you to modify an appointment type. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new value.

Reasons for Not Completing Appointment Elements directory

In order to define a new reason for not completing appointment elements or edit an existing one, select the [Reasons for Not Completing Appointment Elements] tile.

Reasons for Not Completing Appointment Elements directory

Selecting the tile opens the list of all defined reasons for not completing appointment elements. The application presents their names and statuses; it is also possible to edit a given reason by selecting .

List of reasons for not completing appointment elements

The list of reasons may be filtered out by providing a relevant name in the Search by Name field.

Adding a new reason for not completing appointment elements

By using the [New Value] button in the top right corner, you can add a new value to the list of reasons for not completing appointment elements.

[New Value] button
In the New Reason for Not Completing Appointment Elements window, it is possible to specify the name and status of a new reason for not completing appointment elements. To confirm the creation of a new reason, select the button [Add].

Adding new reason for not completing appointment elements

Editing a reason for not completing appointment elements

The editing option enables you to modify a reason for not completing appointment elements. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new value.

Travel Types directory

In order to define a new travel type or edit an existing one, select the [Travel Types] tile.

Travel Types directory

Selecting the tile opens the list of all defined travel types used in mileage records. The application presents their names, information on whether a given travel type is predefined or user-defined, and statuses; it is also possible to edit a given travel type by selecting .

List of travel types

The list of travel types may be filtered out by providing a relevant name in the Search by Name field.

Adding a new travel type

By using the [New Value] button in the top right corner, you can add a new value to the list of travel types.

[New Value] button
In the New Travel Type window, it is possible to specify the name of a new travel type and its status (Active by default). To confirm the creation of a new travel type, select the button [Add].

Adding new travel type

Editing a travel type

The editing option enables you to modify a travel type. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new travel type.

Task section

The Task section of the directory list contains the following option:

  • Task Types
Task section

Task Types directory

In order to define a new task type or edit an existing one, select the [Task Types] tile.

Task Types directory

Selecting the tile opens the list of all task types. It also allows you to add new types by selecting the [New Value] button.

The window presents task type names and their statuses. You can edit existing types by selecting the editing option .

Task types

You can filter the list of task types by status and name in the Search by Name field.

Adding a new task type

Using the [New Value] button in the top right corner, you can add a new value to the list of task types.

[New Value] button
After you select the button, you can enter the new task type’s name, status (active/inactive), and duration (between 00:00 and 23:59; by default, it is set as 1h). To confirm the new task type, select the [Add] button.

Creating new task type

Editing a task type

The editing option  enables you to modify a task type. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new value.

Contact section

The Contact section of the directory list contains the following option:

  • Contact Types
Contact section

Contact Types directory

In order to define a new contact type or edit an existing one, select the [Contact Types] tile.

Contact Types directory

Selecting the tile opens the list of all contact types. It also allows you to add new types by selecting the [New Value] button.

The window presents contact type names and their statuses. You can edit existing types by selecting the editing option .

Contact types

You can filter the list of contact types by status and name in the Search by Name field.

Adding a new contact type

Using the [New Value] button in the top right corner, you can add a new value to the list of contact types.

[New Value] button
After you select the button, you can enter the new contact type’s name, status (active/inactive), and duration (between 00:00 and 23:59; by default, it is set as 1h). To confirm the new contact type, select the [Add] button.

Adding a new contact type

Editing a contact type

The editing option  enables you to modify a contact type. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new value.


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