Scheduling a sales appointment

You can schedule sales appointments if there is at least one appointment template available.

Comarch Mobile allows you to schedule and complete sales appointments. To schedule an appointment, open the Calendar section, tap the  icon in the bottom right corner of the screen and select the [Sales Appointment] option from the Add Action menu.

Add Action menu

In the next window, select one of the two options: [Create Appointment Without Template] or [Create From Template].

Select how to process the sales appointment window

Scheduling an appointment without a template

If you select the option [Create Appointment Without Template], the application will open the new sales appointment screen.

Adding sales appointment without template

On this screen, enter the action name, appointment type, customers for whom you are scheduling the appointment, and the appointment’s date, time, and duration.

After you tap the Select Customers button, you need to select customers for whom the appointment will be scheduled. To do so, select one or more customers in the list and tap the [Save] button.

Selecting customers from list

If you enable the All day option, the Time and Duration fields will be deactivated and your appointment will be scheduled for the entire day.

Adding sales appointment without template

After filling in the required fields, tap the [Next] button. You will see the preview of the currently scheduled appointments.

List of currently scheduled appointments
If you select more than one customer when scheduling a sales appointment, and the appointment is scheduled for 9:00 AM with a duration of one hour, two sales appointments will be scheduled. One will be scheduled for 9:00 AM, and the other for 10:00 AM.

Select the [Save] button to save the sales appointment(s).

If you schedule an appointment without a template, you will still need to select the template after you start to complete this appointment.

Scheduling an appointment based on a template

Comarch Mobile allows you to schedule sales appointments based on templates. To do so, select the [Create From Template] option and choose a template from the list.

Appointment templates can be defined in Comarch Mobile Management.
Appointment templates

Once you select an appointment template, the application will open the new sales appointment screen. The upper part of the screen displays the template name. The action name, in turn, is filled in automatically.

Adding sales appointment based on template

The rest of the process of scheduling a sales appointment based on a template is the same as when scheduling without a template.

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