Step 4 – Installation on a device

To install Comarch Mobile application, download the installation file from Comarch Mobile Management. The file is available in the Get App panel.

Comarch Mobile Management main screen

Select the [Get App] button in the main menu to download an appropriate Comarch Mobile version:

Selecting [Download Application] button
Once you choose the version and select the [Download Application] button, the 3.Vendor.Core.apk file will start downloading. Depending on your browser’s settings, either the file will be saved in a default folder for downloaded files or you will be able to choose a download path at will.

Downloading Comarch Mobile installation file
3.Vendor.Core.apk file in Downloads folder

In the next step, transfer the 3.Vendor.Core.apk installation file to your Android mobile device.

Installation file transferred from computer to device internal memory

After transferring the installation file to the mobile device, open the file. You will see the screen below; once there, select the [Continue] button.

Application permissions

After you select the button, the application will be installed.

Comarch Mobile installation finish

Now, select the [Open] button to run the application wizard; it will guide you through the process of launching the application for the first time.

Welcome screen

Here, select the [Configure Application] button. It will direct you to the Connect to the server screen, where you will be asked to enter data needed to perform synchronization and download information from Comarch ERP Enterprise to the mobile database.

Connect to the server screen

You need to fill in the following fields on the Connect to the server screen:

  • Server Address – the name of the server to synchronize data with
  • Client ID – the ID of your client license
  • Client Password – the client ID’s password

Complete the above data based on information received from Comarch.

Select the [Next] button to continue to the Log in step, where you need to complete the data of the mobile operator.

Entering operator name and password

After entering the correct data of the mobile operator, select the [Next] button. The application will display the Perform the first synchronization screen.

Performing first synchronization

Here, select the [Start Synchronization] button to initiate the first synchronization process.

All objects must be synchronized to complete the first synchronization. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the application.
Synchronization progress

Once the synchronization is completed successfully, the view of the application should be as follows:

Main application screen after successful synchronization

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