
The list of users may be opened by selecting [Configuration] and then [Users] from the main menu.

List of users

The list contains the following information:

  • Login – a user’s code/acronym
  • Employee – an employee’s full name
  • Profile – a profile assigned to a given user
  • Status – it indicates whether a given user is active:
    • If a user is active, the application displays the status
    • If a user is inactive, the application displays the status
  • – it makes it possible to edit each user

The list of users may be filtered out with the use of three filters:

  • Search – the field makes it possible to filter the list by an employee’s login, first name, or last name
  • Employee – the field makes it possible to filter the list by employee assignment status. The available values include:
    • All (default)
    • Assigned
    • Unassigned
  • Profile – the field makes it possible to filter the list by users assigned to a given profile
  • Status – the field makes it possible to filter the list by user activity status. The available values include:
    • All (default)
    • Active
    • Inactive

Adding a new user

The [New User] button in the top right corner of the screen makes it possible to add a new user.

[New User] button
Selecting the abovementioned button opens the screen presented below. More information on the process of adding a new user may be found in the article Step 3 – Adding a profile and user in Comarch Mobile Management.

Adding new user

Editing a user

The  editing button makes it possible to modify a user. The process is similar as in the case of adding a new user.

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