New functionalities in version 2023.1

The following functionalities have been introduced in Comarch Mobile version 2023.1 integrated with Comarch ERP Enterprise:

  • Maximum discount in Comarch Mobile Sales. Until now, the application user could enter discounts on sales documents without restrictions. This caused situations where discounts added were too low, and the manager could not control this. The new feature allows specifying the maximum discount that can be used by the mobile application user when issuing documents. The maximum user discount can be defined in the user profile settings in Comarch Mobile Management application.
Maximum User Discount field in profile settings in Comarch Mobile Management
  • Route optimization in Comarch Mobile Management. The route optimization feature allows faster and more effective action planning, taking into account the time required to perform a given action. The feature is available when scheduling actions in Comarch Mobile Management.
Route scheduled using route optimization feature
  • New interface of Comarch Mobile Management application, in accordance with the latest version of Comarch Design System.
New interface of Comarch Mobile Management

Changes introduced in the previous version have been described here.

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